Friday, May 29, 2009

21 Home Remedies For Oily Skin

on to Magdeburg \u0026lt;3

Hello my friends ^ ^

jap quite right, tomorrow I'm going to Magdeburg, together with Tuk to Firi and travel there to visit \u0026lt;3 * for a whole week hehehe *
XD I'll tell * smile *

*____* I'm currently some way from a flash to the next, that is really disgusting! except boredom, I started in Shugo Chara continues to gaze *___* and ooohhhh my God! I am soooo FAN XD
ego must now also cosplay .____. and I still do not know whom should I * I * blubb Amu-Chan really like XD but I think Rima also above the roar * hahaha * *____* or if I should make a Shugo Chara-Ran XD then I find sooo cute!

Here times all images Chara XD

So Rima is the second blonde seen from the left and the Amu ^ ^ The pink in the middle \u0026lt;3 and Ran is the pink "elf" in the middle with Amu XD
Rima would probably fit me better XD but I think Amu too cool and I do think also that I could possibly cosplay ... sigh XD but that is probably harden again .____. these are all little kids * cough * have garkeine stem .________. really sad XD

Noi ... otherwise I must now uuunbedingt to pack! And then copy all my Japanese vocabulary ;____; I was limping a chapter of my fellow learners behind her ... if I go with him no more, then I have to repeat the stage ... and actually I did not feel like it I will be exerting myself ;_____; above and then learn a lot !!!!!!

Well, in the sense I look now something Shugo Chara * cough * and then packne and learn XD

So dear ones

tschüüühhhhssiiiiiiieeeeee XD

me your

Friday, May 22, 2009

What R Rhe Causes Of Dandruff And Split Ends

Pokemon Hearthgold and Soulesilver *_____* LOVE

Ohhhh my God I am soooo in love *___________*

get it so soon new version of gold and silver eyed or so a remake, and now I'm just now thanks Yukari_Yuzuki seen the new protagonists and oh my god the girl the girl is sooo cute *______*, sweet and aaaawaaaaaaaaa! ! And aaaawaaaaaaa * * schreienddurchdiegegendrenn

I find it sooo cute *____* the hat and the hair and aaawaaaaaa! I do not care if someone cosplayt front of me XD I'll be the coolest muhahahaha * * because I find them so good * muahahaha * * * muhahahaha XD okay now I will most insane XD Yes
matter ... Do I repays them next year to make *____* Hanami YES because it fits in well * muhahaha * HANAMI naja XD and once a year must be Pokemon ... aufjedenfall >_____\u0026lt; this are tuki and I arge pokemon fans .. well I'm more hardcore than her ... But ;____; LOVE!
like the guy who I do XD

this time the logo ^ ^ I find them very very pretty ... where the Germans will again mess up xD

For tuki fänd I> the counterpart great.> so to speak, the old version ^ ^ höhöhö which looks like

I think just a better picture repays XD I would find it great * muhahaha * and I still have a *_____* cosplaywunsch open because I make stupid Tiger Lilly-Something has made PeterPan-____-
XD but for that I get from wunschcosplays tuki, and yume usagi (naja discuss the latter two XD But even after the anime very nice place, I am hopeful) XD

Ohja And today I bought everything for Chibiusa ^ I ^ I think now everything is complete and can now finally begin with the wig, etc. ^ ^ I'm good things

Today I bought a new conditioner ^ ^ because my hair is sooo broken ;____; they cancel! And I wanted to let it grow ... but I hope it is short with the better because that was the hair stylist and was already expensive * cough * Well
chaaackaaaa ._____. I hope the best XD

my short XD

come tukala Today, li-lith, and kurui seely to me to celebrate that I have my trials behind me ... Well how does that have to NEN fat mans fault for my exams done ;____; will now be considered whether we need to write again-________-but you have to be so stupid sometimes right?
Well I hope the best * cough *

Otherwise Hanami XD yes I vll you should still report on something XD
The Hanami was very nice ^ ^ like last year also and we have enjoyed in the great Empire Cafe Bakery ^ ^ and great ego was really great!
It was very hot and joa .___. no idea our cosplays have been very good ^ ^ I was really happy ^ ^, and Joa .___. Slowly I have no desire to write XD
and I must still make the pizza XD

But this time my current favorite picture of my cosplay ^ ^ Marron

Thanks for all the people who have given me such love Commission to

^ ^ Well I do then even our pizza ^ ^

your Pokemon Crazy

MeNanA ^ ^

Friday, May 15, 2009

List Of Infrastructure Bonds In India

Jaja ... actually

* cough * Good day XD

Well actually I should learn now for my final exam which I will write on Monday ._____. but I have no desire at the moment ... and generally I do not have any desire xD * laughs * oh no idea ... I've already done what____mähhh but I watch XD and think of me ... joa you anyway>.> Well, except for WiSo but since I do not feel easy at all what I -____-""" Looooser XD

*________* I'm now at Animexx tofu and I think it's great !!!!! XD now I have a pretty flower in front of my name and aaawaaaaa *____* LOVE!

Oh, if we are talking about LOVE xD

I've bought the manga Chocolate Cosmos *______* and sigh I've never been so much of a manga soooo flashed like it xD I really LOVE it! And I like so the main Chara awaaa XD and now I want to cosplay XD even if they absolutely will not recognize my old sau XD and there is NEN horny Emo Chara for Tuki and awaaa XD I knew exactly who I would fill with whom higher * höhö * .___. but probably will not like to join XD I do it alone no matter ... * Cough * or with going tuk MUHA together XD I will make you * * Here Grinzens
pictures *____* heikkööööööö you have to borrow the manga from me and XD I read the character style of Nana Haruta total XD

love is

Muhaha XD so cut off half on the pink veeery the image I want to push for Tuk XD

Otherwise * _ * I a new Thomas Sabo because my Minnie Mouse is always gone katotsch * XD I have now exchanged as a whole and I've got one for Tinkerbell *______* on pictures I found the ever totally ugly ... But in real life! ABART Schöööön \u0026lt;3 ~

Joa otherwise .___. no idea XD I should learn to walk again * cough *

And I've made up my mind tonight I finally put back on a picture YOOOSHHH ~ I need to finally relaxing again *____* Dared and three times to advise her Ner what series I want to paint what either Pokemon XD ~ TRUE or my lovley new series Chocolate Cosmos XD and I rather tend to second>.> I would like to once again make a really aufwenidgen BG ^ ^ so I've already got an idea * hihihi *

Well, in the sense -____-""" I'm going to learn again XD

tschauiiiiiiiii ♥

your happy Mena

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Veronika Domina Shops

Hanamiiii .______."""" ♥ ♥ ♥

Hi ^ ^ joa

on the weekend was Hanami ^ ^ ne was very great con * hehehe *
But it was also extremely hot______at least on Saturday.
We're first in the morning went there on Saturday and the ride was quite pleasant joa xD only the trip back was a bit> hard. Thunderstorms, all go on the motorway and I was at the beginning of first a half-hour procedure was XD besides, we were 5 in the car and my car so hard .____. it is non-white more than 50 kmh run uphill blubb * * XD I would have gedürft anything at all on the highway * *

laughing Well on Saturday we have Jeanne the Kamikaze Thief gecost and that was soooo LOVE *______*
I also have many pictures, but I want to show only when I edited my favorite photos> have.> and I'm only after the final exam the next week I write from 17:05 to 20:05___pushes me your thumbs!

Well back to Marron XD I just watch the anime by the way and I like to *______* Marron so ... I and they are sooo similar xD I like their kind of bitchy and then she is fond of and oh jaahhhh ~ * sigh * LOVE * __ * I really want to have multiple versions of them *____* make out the Schuluni >/////\u0026lt; Marron because I like so much (and I had not really thought that this is so blatant xD)

This is a picture that I have worked have from my group, which also super super sweet ^ ^ I think we are ne great group. If only because my jeanne (dew) and I look very similar in the cosplays, I think ^ ^ tuk and super fit as Miyako * smile *

I know the picture is still not optimal ^ ^ mags but I really like * smile * just because of the similarity of dewdrops and I * hihihi *

Joa and otherwise I have to really have much for the statutory audit examination done. On Thursday and Friday, I had to get special holiday ... of which I have yet to town, because I have to pick up my Thomas Sabo>.> my Minnie Mouse has gone so often broken Now can I pick my new trailer NEN ^ ^ And if
I've been to the city, then watch I like even if you come by train to Magdeburg cheaper than by plane .______. XD naja times watching the first test and then your ;___; Me so happy and not so ready with the nerves ... I slept through the whole time ... and I am ready all the time and now have started my breathing problems again and I sigh ;_______; Motier slowly to a fragile tails * drop * XD but Chacka only a week XD

think but please contact me on Monday to Wednesday XD in the morning * * Velcro

Me ♥

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Name Of Bam Margera Tattoos Pic From His Shirt

The ME loves MARRON ♥ ♥


Achjaaa easy I pass over the animuc XD even though the times was super tollig and do the same to further progress marron images with

XD I love my wig *_____* be sooo much we rock our group because our uniforms have been properly adopted cool shape and oh yeah LOVE .. . I would have never thought that I would be so kind marron, but I'm looking forward to this huge I wigs cos ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Sunday and here are a couple of times progress pictures please XD I gaze not as accurate but on the eighth wig XD
I must call on tuesday at the hairdresser and ask if he can suck my brown color so xD

from behind is also a pic ... but that's verschmommen and I keinne bock it to upload XD I just wanted to say I love marron have XD

Jeahhh on Friday went to Munich on the *____* Pokeday there and then look for material to Chibiusa XD

Chacka ... now I'm hair eyes>.> wig has all my room XD Verhaart

kussiiii to you Herzis
Me ♥

Naaachtrag for Tukiiiiii ♥ ♥ ♥

Here are the Miyako wig I styled for the tuk ^ ^ and containing pictures of it, cut it's mostly myself, I had only a few things to cut ^ ^

Hope you like it tukkkköööö