Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Gay Cruising Spots In Ohio


did I actually have been a good month or so do. At least I wanted to make an entry after my laptop broke.
I do with the iPhone not to torture me through LJ, I admit openly and honestly. And not, because although I probably will not miss much ...? If you know something good, I read it is possible;)
reason: If something important (what you think is important, or where you think it would interest me), then you can leave a comment with the link: )

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Friday, July 23, 2010

Ohio Drivers License Late Renewal Penalty



: Last day here.
And I let this spoil the mood of anyone. How it looks:)
We drive tonight to Travemünde and there most likely not return a bus or train in the middle of the night driving, before we pack our bags and so schonmal together and then sleep in Travemünde in the beach chair. The beach chair type is sometime around 6:00 clock, so that would be perfect: D
are in it to sleep real good (I want one for home:)). But should everything else but then you should be * cough *
one really. And so it is really funny but then when you're the next evening on the beach and the beach chair type (which you, including notes from the beach chair is thrown) exaggerated friendly NEN ne nice evening and good night wishes XD
morning and I am going to Hamburg:)

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Using Buffalo Harddrives

some point you're running out of air ...

The so ne way here is an addendum to the last entry.

Everyone has some fear. And if it's just the fear of spiders. Against the run home alone at night. Or just the fear that you visit a web mitnehmt shaft so that you feel the need to stay longer under wasss as you can. Or in fact just the fear of failure. To lose.

is probably the problem with my mother that I have a feeling that she does everything for me and it assumes that I prefer Reached in Berlin, maybe Hamburg. Sweden, Thailand, Israel and Australia are in the plan probably not. I'm afraid that I tell her sooner or later must ensure that it assesses as I may be wrong. Maybe because I feel it a little bit what are guilty.

I'm afraid to lose in front of friends who are incredibly important to me. Incredibly close, or at least it once was. Distance can not be measured in kilometers. Maybe I'm
simply afraid of losing. Maybe I'm just scared but also, because sometimes I do not know what I want to.

Maybe the shaft has a well taken long ago. One can do nothing but air to stop. Later, we go mostly for a while in water. But
"At some point does your fear of the air and you keep going, then you win."

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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Baby Body Temperature


Title: bond
Pairing: Arne Friedrich and Philipp Lahm
For: [info] leenchen ; D \u0026lt;3

http://community.livejournal. com/leerstelle/2381.html