Thursday, July 31, 2008

Aluminin Flashing To Prevent Ice Dams

18th Entry


So after I had the last day only stress-__________-I'm finally done with my cosplay * lol *
Well I drive to the station right now with my mommy and then I meet da Tuki höhöhöhöööööööööö * * and then we chug by XD ~ bonn on 1 Class was * muhaaa * * cough * only full 4 € more expensive * laugh *

Well I'll report back on Sunday was like it * smile * and if you see a CHIMECHO running around o___O on Anic or Sumomo not you afraid of me to speak XD ~ * wink wink *

your Mena Chan

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Lists Of Emergency Drugs

17th Entry

* yawn * Good morning XD ~ it is my Clock 02:47 Love ....

=__________________= I've yet to Gemal my wig around and my Yuki-Kun crafted ... he is soooo damn ugly ;____________;

convinced yourselves ...

The head'd go ... but the collar is too fat-___________-the stupid bell I need not at first start ... the thing is bought and has neither the right shape or anything ... but I had no desire to tinker a ... so I've taken.
* sigh * Somehow I can not animals as well tinker ;__________; my Pumo was already so ugly!

Otherwise, I got my wig with Copics in paint *__________* and I like it is right now, also very pleasant to wear XD ~ and I like that it smells slightly copicmaker * * Grinzens
Here are some progress pictures>.> shines the worst wig XD ~ I find kind of cool * lol *

I'm just very many peach-colored and brown strands made>.> look like this in not real gaz stringy XD ~ so my wig like> me.> they just have more style and my bows forwardly sew ^ ^

Oh I hear just the music that I love the Raphi has loaded XD ~ I've already found what XD ~ where to> invite me.> At some I get why NEN still kick XD ~
We plan determines precisely one Game>.> and after I have so much to do with cosplay ;____; just because I do just garnix * lol * XD ~ Well the time has come!

Well I'm off slowly once off



Saturday, July 26, 2008

Hamilton Beach Microwave Hb P90d23al Dj

16th Entry

Konban wa mina-san ^ ^

So then I want to keep up to date times what my Sumomo Cosplay As ^ ^ So I
yesterday bought shoes or naja XD ~ yesterday and then yesterday they made ready ^ ^ I find them quite well, I've made leather and then in paint. It looks after me really almost do not have that ego stuck ^ ^ Sumomo and has actually even those shoes.
are not perfect, but inordnung!
Here are some pictures, but are not very current, the band is now further back ^ ^ so that the front is more space XD ~ now I have always superglue with me * lol * so I do not burst it!

After I load my shoes not quite so bad, I just wanted XD ~ new pics done ^ ^ but you will still see the final result at the Con!
I'm actually quite happy ^ ^ The heel is perfect and the back like me * lol * and Sumomo has black shoes> not brown.> Well, I still hope I get my wig out ... the moment in the still too loud XD ~

naja sense in which I'm tired * lol * so I'm going to sleep

