Thursday, August 19, 2010

Nostal Cancer Symptoms

land in sight

Title: Land in sight
Pairing: Rene Adler / Patrick Helmes
Chapter: 1 / 12
Note: This is my contribution to "Every Month, 100 words "project. Link:
Disclaimer: Nothing and nobody belongs to me. I do them no harm and I still do not earn money with it.

Posted via .

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Useful Stuff To Do With Old Cds


Everything all the best & much love for her birthday.
18! ; D
Let celebrate you today beautiful:)

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone .

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Buy Stanley Cup Replica Rings

cocos007 @ 2010-08-01T10: 50:00

Actually, that should this be a football note, as I said: Actually!
I really love football and most people here know this
BUT: I'm sorry, surfing is just too fascinating ... Far too fascinating. Was it always had and I would rather watch Cold Water Classic as test matches, it should already say a lot. But it is just too good when you see a 14-year-old surf brand Benji and 16.83 (something in the direction, D) obtained. Also, I'm gonna water junkie ... Awww, I love it.
And if I ever what to do in the photography, then only for a surf magazine;)

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone .