Sunday, July 13, 2003

How To Make Ladies Knickers


holiday, vacation, holiday juhuiiiiii. I feel really great. On Saturday morning I wake up and walk down the stairs and my mother is standing there and grab the suitcase. I then asked for fun if they ausszieht, she replies: ne we have to drive us to quickly decided on holiday :-) Whoa how horny. 2 weeks vacation and one of these storm-free! very neat! :-)

Yesterday I was with Simon and Schwyn at Samy. We have an empty bottle of tequila and still irgendso NEN drinking vodka. After that we geloffen to the Esso gas station and were able to convince the shop just to open the doors again (had actually already too). We or any or the other bought a Pac Ten and a champagne. I was chosen as the Pac Ten makers :-) Turned out as an error, because shortly before Mr. Acker I let it fall, unfortunately, unfortunately, were pretty :-) 4 Falk beer that is broken does not matter :-). Then just above the field to Mr. champ. jessi picked up, just missed bus. Fortunately, brought out of us Bully halfway and Andy with the car, and so we squeezed all of us in his car :-) We went to Dario Cocci, the storm made a free party. Among others present were: Beat plank, nancy & ramon, salzgeber with girlfriend and then we just have :-). We then drank a little bit more and I talked mostly with Andy and Bully. Could still talk a great with the two are fully correct. Eventually controlled Schwyn, Simon, Samy and I the way home. Heading yet been moved several garbage cans and I lost my mobile phone ..:-) (habs but again). We ran so slowly that we missed the last bus. And there it all anfuckte unnecessary to exhaust our feet, we were cared for with the taxi home :-) At home then hung over relatively quickly and completely eingepennt and woke up with headache ... I never drink more alcohol
heheh :-))) Today was not much. Jessi and Simi gechatet and was briefly in the KSS. Looking forward to tomorrow, my parents are finally gone :-)


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