Saturday, August 30, 2008

Pulse Rate While Sleeping

25th Entry

Haaaaalloooo -^__^-

♥ ♥ ♥

Oh yes, the week was kind of funny .__________. noi, work was stupid XD ~ n is Eigl. not especially much spectacular happened in my life ...

Well yesterday I made poor Tuks ready-____________-really great thing has been looking at her real good ... until we have tried everything to get it out of her hand down * * blubb no chance ;____; nada ... is to do everything the dead went down again XD ~
But look yourself, it is sometimes very briefly looked cool * hihihi *

240 240 240

with my cosplay I'm also a bit ahead or not but I rather we XD ~
Tuki ' s mum has already done quite a lot with me .__________. and it looks really great, especially my sleeve I think it's great ♥

I also have a picture of it XD ~ I see there, but like a mongoose, because I laughed so ... but good
My wig is ready and I just need to make even the headscarf at it and sew the loops ... but styled it and I think it is really well done ^ ^ I
But you also look at themselves uuuund

240 240

XD ~ the skirt is sitting inthe can tailies and the little white frock ^ ^ is there to find out that my sleeves or sew ^ ^ come later still so very tight corset back .____. I hope the schlappelt not so XD ~ but Eigl. I know that Tukis Mum will make me even * * Grinzens

Otherwise I was today in the city and have a cup strawberry eaten yumi XD ~
And I was with my mom in so nervous Church was great ... Eigl. I wanted to make shoes tuks ~____~ but I was depressed yesterday, because that does not work with the poor * sniff *
My Strawberry Sundae * hihihi * XD ~

I love the photo I've mb BSCH made shit with my lovely new camera ♥

Well so far so good love her ^ ^

tschauiii ♥ ♥ ♥


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Watch Ross Kemp Black Gangs


Halloooo ;___;

is cosplay XD ~ I've spent the whole weekend to make my wig and polka the screen XD ~ and I am with nothing ready -__________-""" is soooo depressing * lol *

here first "my progress picture of my wig.> which is not yet finished as I said, there still a lot fehtl

Yes, that thing is stupid baka lang-_______-oh and the left side is in the picture is generally not done yet ... the thing is not done yet! It is believed it, but the wig for me to make it harder than Jessi the wig of Seely * sigh * Well I'm
just hopeful that I ^ ^ I've finally hammer out hammer out quite a bit and the length does so ever ^ ^
My screen is too slow be at the ready ... Well now missing me then when I really just cos o____o the shoes and then I'll continue with Tuks stuff XD ~ I lie well in time!

We also think yes on the Con Shiroi NEN still talk on Monday and immediately after the Con Shiroi I gave a workshop that I must sign ^ ^ hold for children.
I must buy some candy, etc>.> I have that is somehow too much money from the children ;___; now demand I give them XD ~ because I have a bad conscience * gawp *
Oh the sweets are Shiroi Con Tuk and I am now in the jury from the cosplay competition ~ XD Look how we beat on it * laugh * happy because I already full!
o___O I must still ask whether Zero them to me before that can send the list * * gape so I know how the characters look ^^"""

Oh I now have ultimate 5 friends here at LJ XD ~ And
that reminds me, I want to know how many times people read what I mortise XD ~ it would be nice if one either here or at my left which could gb at animexx enough ... even if I only wrote "I waving your lj read "XD ~ I am interested in whether many people the sch ... I write here XD ~

Noi Read Well that was it first so far from me ^ ^ * nudge *

wave XD ~


Saturday, August 9, 2008

List Ftse 250 Companies With Market Cap

19th Entry

Hellooo dear ones,

I know I have not ever been reported o____o but that is because I am currently on course and come home only on weekends! Where I Live Journal funzt am of the non-_____-otherwise I would have long been sooooo many great entries * lol *

Well first of Animagic *__________*
Awhaaaa wrote it was sooo great ... very hot ... but great XD ~
On Friday we have Pokemon XD gecost and we rocked muhaa * I * would have to be honest niiieeee thought that so many people recognize me and our group was so well received ^^""" I was really looking forward * * smile

Yes Nanatsuiro Drops on Saturday was then tuned with my XD ~ Porno-Rock ... the thing I was just so, but really only just above the ass XD ~ when I bent over me, you have my underwear seen * laugh so * I have extra one Sumomo underpants worn XD ~ in schnieckem white * Grinzens *.. . jaja things the world interested in * * Grinzens

Otherwise wars sauuuu really cool XD ~ the concert, we have looked at Nana Kitade *____* and that is just pure love, all I can say no more!
Otherwise I'm myself a Rozen Maiden Cosplay aufschwäzen XD ~ Now I do next year, probably Sunday LBM Canaria * drop * I find it totally cute ^ ^ but I really just do Cos Tuki to love, because they want to do so ne other doll * lol *

Joa would Anic since some time ago now, I've actually * Do not tell them so much pleasure XD ~ oh before I forget, probably we go now but to animaco to berlin ^ ^ so we pokemon again with Seely and Kurui cosplay together can hihihi * and because we want to see XD ~ Daijoubu

were yesterday and I Tuki Japanese Food *__________* and I'm back my green tea ice cream eaten * love * bwhaaaa and I love it so * gawp * tuki I got hers too, because it has not tasted it *_________* Was for me something about love or it is LIIIIEEEBBBBBBBBEEEEEEEEEEEEE LIIIIEEEBBBEEE
later we were still in the cinema and have Mamamia watched the movie ^ ^ toal funny XD ~
Bwhaaa was the most amazing, that I have the Japanese waiter I begrüßst Konban wa and adopted with Sayounara *_______* and then the asked me in Japanese if I learn Japanese ... it was embarrassing but it XD ~ I have understood only half the sentence and not have looked, what he wanted from me ... that was very embarrassing XD ~ I'm really only half understood and then I was not sure ... I then translated tuki hats or hats * lol * XD ~ guess who has understood as much as I, that is only the beginning and that's the ka-circuit * laughs * anyway * lol * sies felt
aufjedenfall I imagine that the waiter noticed on my Aussparache and that makes me very proud and happy ^ ^ because I But as hard to get to sparach and now I had because finally a sense of achievement * jaaaiiii * * fight * I'm going to have more trouble giving * juhuuu *

Joa today we have then with Li-Lith, Kurui and Seely in the Thalia Cáfe hit * smile * and I've bought mangas * * dopplesmile you I read it now three times Wierde * smile * I also did today Kuruis Rubeus silly wig-______-I've had, thank God, no more than 1 1 / 2 hours, used-______-now my nail polish mud and my hands dead XD ~ but I find them good convincing yourselves .. oh fuck is not ... I get paid *________* NEN new laptop from my dad, the old and since I have to transfer its data allowed my ... Unfortunately, it takes forever ... but maybe I ;____; my old PC will miss a bit!
Got it already since the seventh Class o_____O how old one is 7th in the Class? 14?? no matter he is old and yet ~ XD I like him * lol *

Well I will leave now then once

yes mata dear rolls ^ ^

your menanaaa