Hellooo dear ones,
I know I have not ever been reported o____o but that is because I am currently on course and come home only on weekends! Where I Live Journal funzt am of the non-_____-otherwise I would have long been sooooo many great entries * lol *
Well first of Animagic *__________*
Awhaaaa wrote it was sooo great ... very hot ... but great XD ~
On Friday we have Pokemon XD gecost and we rocked muhaa * I * would have to be honest niiieeee thought that so many people recognize me and our group was so well received ^^""" I was really looking forward * * smile
Yes Nanatsuiro Drops on Saturday was then tuned with my XD ~ Porno-Rock ... the thing I was just so, but really only just above the ass XD ~ when I bent over me, you have my underwear seen * laugh so * I have extra one Sumomo underpants worn XD ~ in schnieckem white * Grinzens *.. . jaja things the world interested in * * Grinzens
Otherwise wars sauuuu really cool XD ~ the concert, we have looked at Nana Kitade *____* and that is just pure love, all I can say no more!
Otherwise I'm myself a Rozen Maiden Cosplay aufschwäzen XD ~ Now I do next year, probably Sunday LBM Canaria * drop * I find it totally cute ^ ^ but I really just do Cos Tuki to love, because they want to do so ne other doll * lol *
Joa would Anic since some time ago now, I've actually * Do not tell them so much pleasure XD ~ oh before I forget, probably we go now but to animaco to berlin ^ ^ so we pokemon again with Seely and Kurui cosplay together can hihihi * and because we want to see XD ~ Daijoubu
were yesterday and I Tuki Japanese Food *__________* and I'm back my green tea ice cream eaten * love * bwhaaaa and I love it so * gawp * tuki I got hers too, because it has not tasted it *_________* Was for me something about love or it is LIIIIEEEBBBBBBBBEEEEEEEEEEEEE LIIIIEEEBBBEEE
later we were still in the cinema and have Mamamia watched the movie ^ ^ toal funny XD ~
Bwhaaa was the most amazing, that I have the Japanese waiter I begrüßst Konban wa and adopted with Sayounara *_______* and then the asked me in Japanese if I learn Japanese ... it was embarrassing but it XD ~ I have understood only half the sentence and not have looked, what he wanted from me ... that was very embarrassing XD ~ I'm really only half understood and then I was not sure ... I then translated tuki hats or hats * lol * XD ~ guess who has understood as much as I, that is only the beginning and that's the ka-circuit * laughs * anyway * lol * sies felt
aufjedenfall I imagine that the waiter noticed on my Aussparache and that makes me very proud and happy ^ ^ because I But as hard to get to sparach and now I had because finally a sense of achievement * jaaaiiii * * fight * I'm going to have more trouble giving * juhuuu *
Joa today we have then with Li-Lith, Kurui and Seely in the Thalia Cáfe hit * smile * and I've bought mangas * * dopplesmile you I read it now three times Wierde * smile * I also did today Kuruis Rubeus silly wig-______-I've had, thank God, no more than 1 1 / 2 hours, used-______-now my nail polish mud and my hands dead XD ~ but I find them good convincing yourselves .. oh fuck is not ... I get paid *________* NEN new laptop from my dad, the old and since I have to transfer its data allowed my ... Unfortunately, it takes forever ... but maybe I ;____; my old PC will miss a bit!
Got it already since the seventh Class o_____O how old one is 7th in the Class? 14?? no matter he is old and yet ~ XD I like him * lol *
Well I will leave now then once
yes mata dear rolls ^ ^
your menanaaa
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