Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Annual Income Calculator

mounted beneath Vancouver (it's in Canada) to the 2010 Winter Olympics, right on the piste.
own first wind turbine with a viewing platform.
the link - panaramny view from the platform (Flash 2 MB).
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you ever even read the Financial Times?

Popizdi, popizdi, read he said.


had to be on duty
I have the English language in school had a solid deuce, but the institute - a triple.
At the same time I'm pretty easy to read American books on programming - Because that's where sixty percent of words were familiar to me terms. And of the remaining forty percent, I understand the context

. Other words I did not understand, but it does not hurt me to understand the meaning of written material.
other books in English I have not read

, and say could not
because shy. I am ashamed of what I'll look ridiculous. And one day, finding themselves in a desperate situation (my wife and I won the lottery a trip to an exotic country, where in the mid-nineties did not have a single Russian) I had to speak. I thought that I will raise a laugh. What is not understand any of my words. As suddenly realized that for the residents of an exotic country, with which I am going to speak English is a foreign one, both for me. And I began to talk to them, and they understood me, and I knew it! At this point, destroy what is called the "language barrier".
Speaks agliyskim language two higher education. So what are all the same bitch pizdlivaya, right kind of disease. "Muscovites, Hooghly.

. (No picture from the movie, but from tanukinoy dnyavki. I do not know what it is - probably need to turn in irfan-viewer). Speaking of the cinema: Naghdi zazyril Happiness My Sergei Loznica - someone on LZHR advised. wildest. The best, I think, in recent years, Russian-language film. Such concentrated Russophobia More never seen. Neither the "Cargo 300" or the "Four" or the "edge", anywhere. And although the author and the critics say about the extra-national film about abstraction, about the plot out of the place and time, one thing is clear: it is visualized concentrated diagnosis. Opinion surgeon. No smiles and obnadezhivany. Sarcoma. Limited to users in all. No chance. Like both intentional excesses and hyperbole. But at the same time with an entirely convincing and believable individual plots. Ie all together at once - Unbelievable, but every single story in itself - God's truth. I once saw a garbage can in the beginning of the movie - just not rushed to stifle the screen so convincingly. Garbage well, just authentic, whore. strongest film. Night crap. ( | Comments Russian Land Vladimir G. Sorokin) by a pussy, from the previous post, writes: here you have the same profession ... Let's do some work you a little free huh? |
you think this is a profession, work? Stop. Work - this is when the result is useful to society, a blessing. "Literary work" - is a fiction: no detektivchikov women's novels and the society will be healthier head will read scientific journals and turning the newly partially forgotten textbooks on physics. Very useful. So can anything be called labor. It's a hobby, comrades, like cross stitch. For it can not demand money from others, as it is impossible to demand from passers-by money for walking on paving slabs (also because some kamenschik put our hearts, made the author's work). mcparker Shl What you got me (do not leave you at all single commentaries) previously banned - speaks volumes. Hence I wrote yesterday, stung to the quick, and I'm fine fellow and a talent, no writer I can not sharp. Ibid wonderful comments vandermar : | already reported on the cash money for your book, and suddenly, imagine, recollected, remembered Leninka that there is a mandatory free copy! regret to put away money in his pocket. less this shit, the more forest preserve for posterity. Push writers like shit. They are the shit. Writer - station bum, he has no rights, it is sometimes a trifle pour the vodka, he was fumbling in urns, and sleeping on the bench, hiding behind newspapers. That's what a writer. And the rightful place of the rabble, Stakhanovites with a pen, near zassanoy bucket. Aroma of sour urine naveet writers many fresh and exciting stories. Remember this, folks, and send to all classmates. ( Comments write novels, because I'm stupefied after birth, but now I'm fighting for copyright crap.These roundnose on what not capable of intelligent whores raise his voice : |
I have gone speechless. Do people not understand what they say and write? Probably not. I do not like to offend people, and I answered her that he did not keep track PIRATE sites, relying on the fact that the word "pirate" at least for something, but hint. Well said that he personally saw his book in stores, and there it can get without labor. I was told that the shops are very far away and really want to read.
And time goes by, but I still think it may be still needed to directly explain man, that she steals. Yes, and do not hesitate to ask the author where you can comfortably steal.
Now, if she asked when she would not be home and where she holds money, it would certainly be offended. And if more politely hinted that it would be nice if she had not locked the door and ...

else - all familiar from the correspondence in gmail since 2005. Even from the depths of the offers, the most lost in the cosmos, from the very bottom, and the occasional stray passers-by. And this despite the fact that I was immediately banned in the registration feesbuku bite, contact, climb and integrate with anything at all. Maximum insulation and the absence of diffusion.
Ie feesbuk now sitting and reading my e-mails over the past 5 years, analyzes and proposes to do, who my friends. No password, no fucking.
Kommersant, 15.10.2010
, interviews with the current Chairman of the Board Stroytransgaz Sergey Makarov:
- whether to continue the work for you Arngolt Becker, a former co-owner and president of Stroytransgaz .- "b")? They say he even his office remained.
Where is Becker - silence. And he left. In 2003, Becker is selling its stake to Gazprom Stroytransgaz ("an offer you can not refuse") and leaves with his family to Germany in Bremen. |
My parents belonged to the German culture and the language with great reverence. His father died in 1941. My mother was a child I always say: Take in Germany. Nevertheless, until the move took a little while but in the end I still did it. I'm not "Berezovsky", not "political refugee". I arrived in Bremen in 2003. The process of departure, the passage of exit formalities took five long years. It's about saying something.
| Pacific glanders windy idea was to acquire practical embodiment. In 2007, Bard Holding gets permission to build a wind farm Bard Offshore 1 in the waters of Germany's total capacity of 400 MW. The project construction park of 80 wind turbines Becker with partners to invest 1.5 billion euros: the sum is quite sufficient for the purchase of gas-fired plants with the same total power. Gas Becker, however, is no longer interested. Construction of the park began in March 2010. By the beginning of November 2010 were set pervye12 windmills.
In 2009, Bard Holding gets permission to build another park - Veja Mate, 80 wind turbines with a total capacity of 400 MW.
in a new business involved the entire family of Becker. In 2009, the age of 32 dies
This year Becker was 75 years old. Apparently in Russia is not going to come back. It here, no one remembers. And once, in general: Germany should be lifted from his knees.
| (
I - Murakami. In English.
look at the books to each other, smiling. Begin to discuss the world literature, then the weather in Boston and Washington, then this треклятый задержавшийся рейс, потом цель поездки. По-английски.
Когда самолёт приземляется, обе достаём мобильники, звоним мамам и на прекрасном русском language to inform you that the plane landed, all is well, we just were detained on the runway.
again smiled at each other, we continue to talk in English. say goodbye. We wish each other good-bye. Disagree. And only in a taxi to reach me, what was unusual in that conversation. No, not the fact that in English, she so obviously easier, but I do not care. So that at no time any of us did not mention the place of our birth, the fact that we are one country, did not ask how long we live here, etc. Emigration was not included in this conversation in any way.
: Russia takes over in its legislation European system of technical regulation, and one to one packet. As do all civilized countries like Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, not related, by the way, the European Union.
position of the author
: Russia - a country with rich experiences and best practices, with tens of thousands of proven positive like a guest and sing under the European tune, we will not. We are a sovereign state, we have our own climate, its culture and identity. From Europe, if that and take - That very carefully, horoshenechko thinking a little bit.
this song, we know a long time. We analyze it on the line.
False. Each acceding State before joining the EU is obliged to harmonize their technical legislation with the European. Such a path were all the countries of Eastern Europe: Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, the Baltic States. Moreover, the country's thirsty prisoedieniya the EU (eg Turkey) or wishing to close cooperation and exchange of goods (Kosovo, Andorra, San Morino, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland) are also integrated European system of technical regulations in their legislation. In short, the analogs have - to their fullest.
"Without the adaptation of foreign standards to national regulatory and technical system and the Russian technology and the climatic environment of their direct application is fraught with many negative consequences. "
This, incidentally, one of the commonplaces of arguments" gostovni "against Europeanization of technical regulation system. regularly given argument that to accept the European system of technical regulation, Russia can not, because in Russia (unlike Europe) amazing climate, from +50 to -80. Croatia in summer, too, happens regularly heat, harmonize their technical legislation with the European. Was not afraid. Norway and Iceland, which frost slightly less than that in the nineties have agreed to adopt in their legislation the European system of technical regulation. Do not flinch. |
into circulation on the market
(buy-sell) safe products. If we are talking about applying
(commissioning), to potentially dangerous objects (boilers, pressure vessels, explosive Wednesdays, etc.) are applied
additional requirements:

beauty of modern European system of technical regulation lies precisely in the fact that not all standards are binding. Producer is free in most cases (eg in the areas mechanical engineering, electrical and instrumentation, etc.) to choose whether to apply to him the European standard, or to use their unique developments and innovation for which can not keep up with European standards. The main thing is that the manufacturer strictly follow the requirements of technical directives (ie "Technical regulations"), because they laid the basic requirements for each category of engineering products, high-speed rail road, marine equipment, etc.). Use the standards when it is profitable: in this case it is considered that the requirements of the Directive are met by the manufacturer automatically. Otherwise, it is necessary, for example, to connect the certification bodies. And in some cases, standards and generally strictly required (eg, for building products, elevators). here - about all the conventional one-phobia "gostovni" about the consequences of the "abolition of state standards": it will be chaos, will be releasing the screws and nuts anyhow any, from the ceiling, it's not the size. As if in Soviet union is not produced defective products - the same nuts and bolts, and it's all for the abundance of state standards. Marriage is not for lack of standard, but because of the disregard otosheniya to production. And for that, gentlemen, there are supervisors, and in Europe they also exist (called "organs of market surveillance"). They monitor complaints porebiteley and immediately react to egregious violations. The problem of Russia, in fact, is the same: we must make the supervisor does not engage in extortion and control, sanctions, supervision over the market, engage in collective control of product safety on the continent. Strong supervision, but not endemic certification and mandatory guests all possible products.
And about the "optionality standards: the entry in the seventies Britain into the European Union the British did not have to enter the right-hand automobile traffic and make the switch the country to the European electrical outlets and plugs. Everything remained as it was. In Europe, roughly six types of plugs for electrical outlets devices. But while no one suffers from this and does not require the EU to make it possible to only a single standard connector, because the chaos and "we need a single Standard "," not only as GOST - do not buy! ".

" a partial loss of Russia's sovereignty and the loss of state influence on the formation of product requirements. "

This is not a loss suveriniteta. This desire to eliminate barriers between countries. Every accession to the EU country is obliged to comply with all adopted before the date of its accession to the EU technical directives. Countries are closely cooperating with the EU, voluntarily integrated system of technical regulation EU in their legislation. Switzerland, Norway and Iceland have abandoned their suveriniteta and surrendered in favor of the EU? It is not.

It's true. The country will collapse the system of bribes in the form of billions of certification bodies, stamping GOST certificates.

States. But now the European technical regulation operates in more than 30 countries. These countries are constantly increasing: developed for over a decade the system attracts more and more of the state. It is absolutely clear: the desire for unity, unification, harmonization - of course. It is a way to remove red tape and trade barriers. Russia, however, for some reason, must go his own way, to use their unique heritage and experience (we have 40,000 state standards!) and do not sacrifice a single step. This is making no headway. How Russia can still mark time on the spot?



a couple of references to literary works dedicated to Vitalyevich Maxim Kononenko.
These are not afraid of the word, the great texts were written with great enthusiasm and hatred.

This nobelevka, damn. So we must write. ( Comments | Give two
Brilliant, I think
fucking I think
It would seem that where there
Tin which
It seems that
quite seriously
I think
You will not believe
Ebanko, damn. The funny thing is, this hireling Masha Poryvayeva quite seriously believes that he "[university] Literature education ". Suck dick, Putin schmuck. Srem in your mouth. |
first place on the planet, where human bodies are recycled into compost: corpses are frozen and dried, then ground into powder and start to fertilize for the trees. |
Belgian entrepreneurs who plan to dissolve the bodies of the dead, and wash them down the drain, hoping to get approval at the EU level.
It's all half-measures and garbage. Yesterday came up with ingenious ways of utilizing dead: barely cooled the dead milled blender in the muck and poured into a bottle of rice volume liters somewhere 60. After which the bottle is immersed in drilling in the ground with a diameter of 50 cm and covered with aluminum. Wild save cemetery space! And do not complain about the unethical, torturing, defiling and nadruganie. As if to burn the corpses in the crematoria a high aesthetics and etiquette. Or dry dead bodies and take them on tour as relics. I think by 2012, the civilized world will go on this brilliant procedure. Modernization, ebana. Nanotechnology. PS And you can just pour the product in the Muskwa River. So even better: the rice should be translated. (
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