Sunday, December 7, 2003

How To Make A Gothic Cake


for djessi:

Mach churz, nid würkli bock was writing for :-)

Dunnschtig: Eat at the team Spielvi Clubhus, drank a lot ... spöter no champ, 2-3 drinks go for hot penne

Fritigern: Wiehnachtsesse. by and large luschtig gsi. Danish gunne competitive basis, 100 Fr igsackt from the executive to go after the champ Sufe. to mine co-founders seg i etz nüt mol ...... (Koren up Meini nid)

Samschtig: Spielvi Party.Suff, bsoffe Ralph donated üs 5 laps at 2:00 and schloft UFDA webs i dä sit fischer wott 24.00 Heigo em he wants to go mue board or snow blade (snow blade rulez goht, but because Ersch at 3:00 the enttüschig of obet. rülph goht scho at 23:00 hei he wants wott fit them for board (well rülph bring things gönder rooms) winner of the evening. ralph (thanks forthe round), Savic (thanks for the many riche free drink , well maintained!).
At 3:00 heigange again, a gruess alli awes!

Schöser weekend, but no Fuessball, fucking winter break!

allner e Guetier grew


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