Friday, September 17, 2010

Novelty Id's Stores Yonge Street Toronto


Day 11 - Your siblings

Okay, so today: My brother and sister;) would
Because of all my small half-sister, Mila.
Shortly after birth, she has become short of breath and that was all pretty bad. Now she is almost 1 year old:)

Then the two men here:)
Once my little half brother Hugo and my step-brother Kevin.
Hugo is now 3 and a little sunshine, but also often turn up; D
Kevin. Hmm ... Somehow a problem case. One can never judge him. Then it is time the neatness in person and at other times it's like replacing and ... Oh, well, the issues I had been here all the time.
Now he has but for now NEN therapy place, as far as I've noticed this, and yes ... These are my brothers and sisters.

And then I'll [info] leenchen Leverkusen's second take a little closer.
"I identify only as Fabio." - Pff. We are going to change now but once; D

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone .


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