Day 02 - Your first love
My first love?
fall Why do I now have a polygamy? XD
was my first love ... Football. Music. ;)
My best friend in elementary school, Jonas, then with 2 of my (former) best Friend was put together. Yes, that's looks. He is now quite a Depp, around times express nice. And Clara and I, we could not help us at the reunion a bit about him blaspheme; D
Yes, but in elementary school, he was still really love. And we got along fine and we have burnt our stapler.
She was probably my first love.
But my first big, so right, love is probably Lars, is Stuttgart and was even clear the fact that I've somehow NEN bang and at night, not just sleep, what business has led it to every time he was here or I there vollzuquatschen me at night or I read (although I actually much, much prefer to read).
Yes, he's a lot of love. Although I could have him at the beginning to kick your ass. He has run over me at the station ... And then he sat down on the train next to me.
And ... Yes, it was just nice that I could always be more honest. And he was. And somehow what I would miss it if I had not had him. Selbstpfindung by an outside source, something like that.
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