Friday, September 24, 2010

Monthly Salary For Ccna


Day 18 - Your favorite birthday
I like birthdays not, not really.
My best birthday was probably my 16th, so pretty safe.
We were all together at the Mexicans, and Lena was with. And my father was here and sat with all the others. That was nice, I've wished for.
And the birthday, which is now is great:) The whole Weekend will be great. I just does not know what I'm doing it for my birthday XD

My little brother is cute:)
He said that the moon has turned on the light for him and mom had asked if he changed the face of
Man in the Moon had seen.
Then he went out with me again. He then said I should call what times and he said that the moon does not hear us, or that the moon is already asleep. That was so cute:)

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone .


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