Thursday, December 4, 2008

Best Hand-held Vacuums Under 50.00

40th Entry

Good day ^_____^

achja a few days ago I've made a wonderful discovery *____________* namely Cable shines now finally from Animax ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ say that 24 hours a day watching anime can *____________*
* cough * Well I thought at least at first ... Well then I have opened my parents, they have canceled cable for mid-January-__________-quite nice ... I first thought!
so early in the anime I watched (I'm sick right now ... hence the zero-phase buck blubb * *) and well, then I thought to myself that bow I want to know what to run for anime all day , ie from the Internet ... just great I've been laid, bringing the Animax only complete 6-8 series all day .___. that is, the repeated about three times a day all -_____________.-
That was a point, point two ... the synchronization of 90% of anime is indeed what times of crap * cough *
-_________-I got me this afternoon Final Exile or how the anime was viewed ._________. and suddenly says to the "Oh no, we lost him" and it responds so ne other "What can not be true, where will be KLAUS!____________KLAUS WTF?
So I mean helloooo? What does "KLAUS" your lost in nem anime ... Klaus? Kopfschüttel * * I had then turned off the TV and cleaned up the kitchen!

bottom line for me: Animax is stupid .____. up to and Arjuna. Hack / / The Princess of the Twilight I do not like most anime first, and, secondly, I think Animax would appeal to only a certain group of manga and anime fans-_____________-kitsch girlie like me belonging Ren, however, not to the group!
I think Animax is missing in the mix, there is not something for every taste but only for people who are on serious totmätzel anime ... the only exception is there real. hack / / The Princess of the Twilight, which has at least one cuteness ... but otherwise NADA ... NOTHING -____________-And Synrchros are shit to 90% ... I'm just KLAUS -__________-""""
Why can not bring ne colorful blend and fit sometimes Magical series and then I would find a news show where to get the latest news about Japan also gets great-__________-
But oh well ... as I said, Animax is still very undeveloped and the fact the series are repeated 3 times a day, one can not but Animax just 24 hours a day watching .__________. because as it is so stupid ... and it is boring auch, weil irgendwie die Animes alle aus dem selben Genre kommen...
pfft... ach allgemein könnten die sich die Deutsche Synchro sparen -____________- zumindestens bei den meisten Animes, sollten sie gleich die Japanisch lassen, ich hab noch fast keinen anime gesehen wo ich die Deutsche besser fand... naja Dragon Ball fand ich besser und One Piece XD aber naja Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel *blubb*

Soooooooo  dann beende ich mal mein Fazit über Animax XD
Also muss keiner traurig sein wer Animax nicht hat XD momentan ist das noch doof!!!

Naja jaaa mataaaaaa ♥♥♥

meni ♥♥


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