Friday, July 23, 2010

Ohio Drivers License Late Renewal Penalty



: Last day here.
And I let this spoil the mood of anyone. How it looks:)
We drive tonight to Travemünde and there most likely not return a bus or train in the middle of the night driving, before we pack our bags and so schonmal together and then sleep in Travemünde in the beach chair. The beach chair type is sometime around 6:00 clock, so that would be perfect: D
are in it to sleep real good (I want one for home:)). But should everything else but then you should be * cough *
one really. And so it is really funny but then when you're the next evening on the beach and the beach chair type (which you, including notes from the beach chair is thrown) exaggerated friendly NEN ne nice evening and good night wishes XD
morning and I am going to Hamburg:)

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