we had firmly resolved to go to Shinjuku to go to the cd shops, aaaallerdings it was nothing because we ignored all the alarm clock again and then went shopping with tsukasa first and then he drove us to the shrine ötlichen, sone things there's almost a dime a dozen
the ding in the middle because it has water in it and wash it before you have to drink from the hands and pray before (perhaps Therefore, the rash? from meiji temple? xD) so I think I've now done so many things to bring the happiness that can be so only NEN good year!
tsukasa us then bought a lucky charm for money, I've made in my wallet, since I have no money, what is this supposed to please xD
then we went to 100yen store and oohje ... I hate those shops because there is krimskrams be like this, which could use it all ... schliiimm> o \u0026lt;
I think we're there for an hour? maybe half? running around in it and the baskets were always full of * cough *
but in the end it was for me 'Noor' to the 14 € 3
pooh handkerchiefs! are sooo cute! everything is cute on the picture xD
and then again at home we have been accumulating in me and I picked the spinach and we had too little of it, but it was still delicious okee ^ ^
so to the salmon with spinach and cherry tomatoes are> D
daaann and I still made cupcakes
and because the box was crushed in the fly Thus, the crushed cups, so saw some cup cakes ... deforiert slightly from
I have the most beautiful 5 taken nexx xD
I invented the oval cup cakes! > D but delicious they totzdem ^ ^
were then it was again .... pokemon xD gamble
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