so it should go to NEXX and I'm happy because it was in the cyber
whether NEN nexx somehow contract between those? that play there permanently or at least whenever I see them xD
in any case we are before in shinjuku dropped out (nachdme us mama sold in Yoyogi) has so nao can exchange money and because it took forever, I am before quickly maccu pure, have even ordered Japanese, but it took me probably misunderstood and at the end has something missing, but was not be so wild: 3
and I finally came to my oreo ice cream!
but we were still in time for the inlet 3 and the cyber prooooppe was full of * _ * and extremely warm and I was able to undress for the first nichmal and I fell again on how small the thing ü at all is ...
first Bonmaqary
what your was that? xD
so the music was relatively ... So bad was perhaps exaggerated, but oh well ... sometimes I thought it will be better, but then it was just hot air, perhaps this is the only sound in the cyber ^ ^
or I was too distracted by the assipalme of the singer and his psycho eyes xD (the one leeeider not on the picture looks lol) and
auhc silver with colorful clothes they pajetten worn, I think the general trend is really grad
o_O Oh and the singer has really ... a funny, to move, especially if he keeps arms and hands as NEN hare and then rumhüpft xD 'to would provide some or NEN NEN furi para para been really cool, but there was nothing .. I dunno if he was just overwhelmed, so to me Kam and in between he just got only air, and he probably remembers that he must do something and then started to grin exaggerated or to wave .. . and wave no furi xD
and being able to get all the other make the background vocals ... it sounds like a bad-first-year o_O so young choir almost horrible (sorry xD ') and then the guitar spingt at the end, even against the carrier recently suspended from the light uhuh ... The poor were certainly a bump> o \u0026lt;
2. Vurny
nao and I have never done lusig only about their names and then we have seen that they play xD
but the music is good, but not really something special, even though the everything went out out of themselves than before ^ ^
and the band has nothing to say to me, even the non-people, apart from the guitarist! I found very strange ... who was skinny and had NEN piercing and I was sooo familiar, but still I know how non-> o \u0026lt;and the singer could lycaon Yuuki less (Or Big?) xD and his brother bassist who chewed gum completely disgusting, even the third concert on o_O
江戸川 パラドクス (Edogawa)
first thought Aoi and Kazuki 2.0? xD (both outside lol) was the funniest scene well as the bassist for the waste-Kazuki is gone, wanted to kiss him, but only his face has taken, and then slipped over his face until his lips found xD has
(the bassist is I think the chain with the SM, why whatever you wear something like that, if it gaaarnicht as for image fits lol)
in between I once up to the terrace and looked as thought the one who sees full like Rea, next time I'm me but that he fully non-appearances, also why he should look at his ex band? and then as it was bright times ... I've seen that he was really o_O I recognized him by his piercings and he's laughing to destroy what the singer said in between laughing and I would always see lol yes is already sweet NEN he so bluntly: 3 but they were also the only band where he was sitting up, or he is always running around, I guess out from backstage and so ... or I've seen him again non, too bad ^ ^ the music was joaa otherwise well
4th Spun!
In principle, remind me to spiv full-band states, the 2-man, although five are on stage>)
the auhc were really good, but I'm really tired grown in between> - are pending \u0026lt;even if the two really sweet, when the snake on the run by going to probably eat 3
and general: how ever you call his single tripper xD the two later sat up and still have nexx and so looked
5thコドモドラゴン (Codomo Doragon)
wuuooooohouh xD the singer reminds me somehow full of taro *-* and my first thought was: man, but the buttons are small and it xD Hayato fits perfectly into my apart-schema nerd with his glasses> D which he wears on the picture unfortunately grade non V_V
and their music is really really good as I think ^ ^ more to them later!
6th Para: Noir
also one of the bands that I was tense because of the flyers which I previously had
disappointed I was not really, but surprised because I had to rate their music on their different outfits presented * _ * but they are still good
yet, what they have just pray for outfits? xD (non of the image) 0-8-15 sone casual outfits ... hm ...
matter and they also have pink-haired guitarist NEN, NEN is so unique and trendy xD and then added at the end, NEN still kiss the singers get> D
7th Neophilia
them before it was getting empty, so ... so I thought I no longer die of heat exhaustion * _ *
they were good, but I found the voice of the singer somehow ... look too quitschig for his, but something happens (often times lol) I think
around which we have gone to the state of Codomo and have the photo set purchased, as was cheaper (that is cheaper than photo sets are normal) and then Hayato NEN still little has spoken to us (even if I was non say much xD) and daaann I think all courage together and, after NEM asked Cheki of the * _ * and then he picked out one and from the Stack pulled veeery quietly xD we were still asking for signatures, but he has already talked with others and then started nexx: 3
8th NEXX
So I had NEN biiisschen doubt because chisa is so ääähnlich as Yumehito, more like the cute little reserved, but he makes himself as a singer eecht well: 3 and he's still super cute and their music has not changed much I would say ^ ^
alsoo always enjoy;)
after that I was the photo set to NEN and two to buy chekis, somehow I had hoped to draw chisa (now where Rea is no longer there), but I moved and shikito shou ... OK, good I thought and when I've been waiting for came nao one on me and has asked in broken English if I chekis swap, so I've kept my two high, and she demonstrated an shikito and asked who I like because, I thought chisa and they gave me one of him, I yeeey So I still come to my Cheki chisa: waved at three
and then we're back again to have the singer and Codomo us, so he signed our photos: 3
thought of themselves certainly 'the already' xD and then there's the drummer stood around and we have immediately asked who has dedicated himself to naos photo then and is now going on and has NEN new photo taken, so sweet: 3
and then there was ... the guitarist? or something xD and I've caught from the loo and had to sign it x] and has successfully put in my photo set cola .... I've then tried to make with my towel dry, which has seen the drummer and I are not both signed and the film immediately replaced, how sweet is that, please 8D and I found it funny only because it .. .. extreeeem was weird makeup xD then we are finally out, we were the last ones * _ * and we found funny that they have not thrown us out xD
hot outside then gabs erstmal ne chocolate
and then the guys came out, of course, still has not made us, and Hayato Sone funny new year gift card (why always xD) and I'm still fast daaann NEN photo taken with him: 3
waaaas is for the ne under jacket? xD
in any case we have any one nor asked nachm auto gram, the blond with the pink, hair (which was also previously on the curtain behind the merch table and has constantly waved to us ... why always xD) and then
said he fully sweet 'who you missing? " and then we have shown the photo and it will be so 'go oooh okay to leave, the sign must also' * O * soooo sweet 3
even though I've been feeling really stupid xD 'So we are to do so, having called to him and the' had 'then also write ooohje xD' then we have them still nen nice evening spices ; nscht are gone and eeendlich xD '
and then we went home happy: 3
but the last was a beautiful concert \u0026lt;3
(while we were out there were added by tsukasa nexx also accepted the car, but how nice is that? just because he's the new? xD)
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