my rash is still daaa what is the * __ * slow it makes me afraid ... but you feel nothing and it does not itch ... what is the> o \u0026lt;
okay, but now finally to New Year's Eve, otherwise I blog for even if I am already in D> D
so we have something tsukasa asked for so he does and he said he o_O never mind that was not natürlih, so we have represented to us that he picks us 0:30
then we are going to eat storefront and before that fast, we were too late and have the first band only in the supermarket belonging ; rt xD '
us at the inlet was then eat drink and approved V_V I remember that I'm annoyed me last year that all I had with food and non ... au has every type of case but not seen the mandarin in my bag, which has previously been pushed on me mama and biscuits in my panda dose not stupid xD it was still ... V_V
and the hall was pretty full, so we stood behind the right of the technique, which was very cool because there is but from platforms where people stand on to film the bands and then you can be there from time to sit down time: 3
and go with the bands!
first Annie's Black
successfully missed xD 'ivh just hope that we have missed anything D:
(last year were also alibi of OA and I would prefer to miss xD)
second Luzmelt
to me because I have the festival in Bonn yes really happy: 3 and they were super good, I would say even better than in D but maybe just because the mood here in Japan more ^ ^
fits their outfits are really cool, and the hair and bellies xD and the music fits it all: 3
third PrimeAddict
to which I was curious (as on ... a few others also ne xD) because I knew only from the thousands of flyers and I must say are good eeecht that make such a good mood on stage and the bassist is really cute xD
although I still think that depart at the keyboard looks weird
conclusion: super worth
4th V load
I think it was v-last we had a chat with two German by Nen bit ... funny were xD
who received any air tickets girlfriend na, because that could because of the flying snow chaos non o_O anyway it works and who spoke strange things and had somehow non really NEN by looking and have told 20 times as in reno the u-bahn have seen
(I find it rather poor that reno apparently must go to ground during iv with auto rumkutschiert is xD) I also know for whom the non really were there are only v-last 2 meter gone forward, otherwise they just stood back and we have never moved o_O why I go but then eh concert ^ ^ so I'm busy every mitabgegangen band, but one that comes later xD
now last to v-! iiich like me have got!
they are still as great as last year and I must say I find agree shiyenas not as bad as last year: 3 Hoooray xD and his blue troll costume is herzallerliebst * __ *
so I am then to the merch, I got the photo set Bought and 2 chekis and whenever the chekibox was folded back and the photos I've seen that one at the bottom of it is that I have, of course xD sooooo randomly drawn and the second thing I was drawn by him: 3
5th Scapegoat
I have to say that departing really well and is otherwise fully ... xD so special to me is not much noticed, but I find it well: 3
6th xTripx
goooott oh how my heart I'm obviously lacked xD
key chain with my handkerchief-making gepest forward to with * _ *
hach ... I love them xD they only have single axle no song played out of which I hoped, but integrate only 4> o \u0026lt;
cute as I thought it Janeiro came on stage and at first fell and then runs ber has even laughed xD aaand
I will shogos jacket gaaah leo! the only one of the pali was cloth umhatte K which has me really confused \u0026lt;- was' but I'm glad that these strands of pink yoshi adit in the non-hair xD
still had his old outfit viieel cool V_V I
ands funny as a song on a quiet imagine he has squatted on the stage and the only guy who was waving to the front has and has held his head as he sang and then he kissed his cheek when talking xD
and he then asked if he's fine xD
7th Toon Factory
what looks to hell yuno on the right side? xD
So there I stood right there and I do not mind, but ... eeeh? xD Okay, they are definitely still cool and make good mood
and I find it very amusing as the sängerlein between just accidentally identified the micro has xD and then quickly back to
lol I think after that (or after ? skull dunno exactly, no matter: 3) I am the merch and then I was told that eating xtripx soba (again, ugh xD) and I've bought so what did my courage aaaall taken together, however, does not bode Yoshito and had asked if he NEN photo, but he said no what I can understand well, with so many people standing around there and the so ^ ^ but wow, I did not at all that he is soo big o_O
8th Skull
on the ride back to the club is, I noticed that I've forgotten my towels and I'm sooo annoyed! the last chance for it to use NEM concert;;
(or someone like me last invite to live xD?) I would have I can beat ... because I take two towels because of this extra event and forget it at home gaaaah V_V!
in any case ... they are great. _. I do not even want that they are separate but T_T! yey xD and I did not even cry ... why was sin attract now? that looks full of funny ... But this does nothing around his face from some soo I think xD
and this time I've fortunately not only chekis drawn by Kouta, but only one xD
9th Baddies
so I'm trying really given ... but after a song I had to sit down and play pokemon easy to see xD still funny off when non-white more comical and non ... are simply funny and not be so mean, not still
us from old ranzosen suddenly appeared on the band to have left o_O what was going on here?
10: Kiryu
iiich aalso was curious and must say .... * __ * Their kimono outfits are suuuuper cool! I want all! xD and I must say I like your music really super good: 3
the most fun I found at the end but as the drummer throws his sticks up and one even meets him first xD
11th Hero
so I think they live still cool and one can well dancing to their music and they make good mood, but I think I would still not necessarily listen to the music of them: 3
live well is to be the main thing
12th Administrator
naos new favorite band next lycaon xD
they are still super cool! * _ * And still not get kouske his mouth to the small xD haha Milchbubi will never look older than 15 xD
13th Ap (r) il (ohjeee the 13 * _ *)
short and sweet: LOVE as always xD they have not changed much and are still as great as ... easily accessible: 3
14th Amber gris
on which I was also excited because of woods elf-like flyers haha
to their music is definitely quieter than others, but really really good and the singer has just ne wuunderschö ; ne voice * _ * NEN was nice compensatory leave to the efforts of other bands xD
15th Unsraw
Well what can we say except: "as always and I think jin and madoka still funny xD okay rai was also very ... very very funny, but I liked the band with rai and young and they better V_V
have always played like maria, what bothers me not because the song is great;)
shou grins and still so sweet vienna Punch * _ * and as always, of course, a further 200 bottles of water yuuki rumgespritzt xD luckily I was back haha
16th -OZ-
so I was rather skeptical because the last time I not had the feeling that they convince me live so I aaber it must say I found it really better: 3 might also be because I had better mood ^ ^ but since I pay my phone bill must be huge I will probably always in non-D to face xD get
17th Moran
sigh, if only when I read the name and image could see me cry V_V
their music is so great and they go really well there but in between I just thought ehlt the Zil and I had to get together eeecht ^ ^ '
tear so rather quickly on
18th v [New]
what is better than what colorful quitschiges to distraction xD so I must say I found it better this year and their para paras're sometimes really cool: 3 I'm just too stupid to me to remember the * _ *
even if this has something pink in between really irritates me xD
19th Ayabie
first: what the hell happened to ayabie? ooohje!
not think their music has gotten worse, but you can call ayabie not, that's just completely different ... kenzo nichmal I recognized because he just looks completely different, I'm the new drummer who NEN 8D and why has no one Intetsu prevented the hair to cut sonem ugly about bob? and then makes the NEN also curl or vertex and medium! I can take more seriously the non ... always when I've looked at I had to laugh so
Yumehito has indeed really nice NEN little voice, but somehow ... he was just always the subtle, sweet smiling, shy guitarist and now suddenly he is the dissipated, posende singer * _ * it does not fit into my world view ... V_V
but he has the whole time but fake TV man and that sounded really cool xD and he has it screwed up his face and then his eyes were like this: / \\ xD and what it was for your ne pink pants? the zipper looks like he was once walked around the entire walk, and in general .. saw the front really funny xD 20th from
sängerlein looks quite different, so I knew it right now so look through pictures, but wow ... how much outfit, make up and can change hair color ^ ^
what they are still as good as before NEM year, sher calm, 3
and the blond guitarist there was the opinion singers kiss on cheek having to miiitten xD
in concert I think they played 2 or 3 songs, then came the countdown, and he missed it at 10 to non-use as the year before Kouki xD and then they still have the people up taken were still there:
UnsraW (no yuuki ... where was probably the xD?) Janeiro and yoshi of trip, the people of v [New]-OZ-Ayabie, and I think 2 of ap (r) il and the soba man has stood by the then almost all a beer in the hand-pressed, except Intetsu who has somehow drinking tea or something xD
and how UnsraW-shou has sipped at his beer was really cute * _ * he was generally in the whole time as if 'what am I doing here? " he hardly smiled ^ ^ maybe he has missed yuuki xD
and yoshi had sone eye glasses are glued to the eyes are so au xD saw perhaps .... and then they have sung all NEN song, like this almost all the singers were still on stage and was able to complete Janeiro para para more ... what is he fürn freak xD and it was the birthday of OZ singer, but nobody has congratulated: / I think if you go to the new year birthday NEN bit of fall on the> o \u0026lt;
UnsraW each were the first are gone (I hope in which everything was okay * _ *) and then gradually all the way up to Ando, who played still nen song and suddenly things came from singers and pink v [New] again on the stage and made pink and atmospheric conditions has stolen a guitar to play xD and just kissed the blond guitarist ando no no yes There goes off at the blond xD
So all in all I found This time it is not so strenuous the concert, the first so ... as of about 17
band xD and this time I had leg pain, not be so high heaven and no ears, maybe my ears are already so single axis in the ass in front of the concerts> D
as then it was over I still was quickly bought by jil ando and then we had to look our food bags, well that was a fun and out V_V tsukasa has been waiting
what we have done comes later, because it is already ... half past six and it is light outside 8D I blog again when I eventually returned to the pc> D
come today we go We look at nexx! 3
and I wish the mume 10 course have fun in school xD
still fast and the images of the day:
not ask, so everyone has been staring at the eyelash xD
and more quickly what I have bought successfully
aaand last but not least, I hope you're yasu happy with what I bring with you> o \u0026lt;
the conditions of xtripx is the new mirror, which is sooo awesome! large and one can be installed so so cool: 3
the chekis yoshi and K
of toon factory gabs are only photo sets, because one in front of me were all sold out chekis V_V sorry D:
and skull are Tetsuya chekis it, and the sin and the trailer I'm also on mobile ^ ^
okay and now it a day, get up in 5 hours! .> O \u0026lt;
ps: I think I'll get sick;;
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