Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sample Affidavit Of Consent To Travel

30th Entry

Hello my love ♥ ♥ ♥

I can hear already long nothing more of me .___. but I know right now actually, not so very interesting things which I could report ... my life is pretty quiet right now * * blubb .___.

Hmmm my Cosplayplanung for next year is ^ ^ and I know at last exactly what I'm doing everything. However, it is not yet clear exactly when we do everything, but at least we know that Costumes We take
♥ We know now how the performance of the WCS ausschaun next year ^ ^ yes we are aiming for third place or ~ even at second on XD anyway ... We are keen on the prices, they were sooo great this year * smile *

Otherwise, I'm currently the Team Rocket image that I have lying around here for months to be completed * * blubb .___. Unfortunately I have not had the right colors to Tuks / Mauzis hair in the right color to color ... now they are unfortunately very dark * * blubb
Here's a progress picture:

You can see the hair is really very very dark blubb * * I realize I've been very very long since Gemal .___. I * do me to color the hair relatively difficult blubb * I have not even pushed the easy ... I have right now that is a bit of problems with breathing .____. Well and when I draw my focus is so bad it blubbblubb * * I'm going tomorrow to the doctor once and see something that says to kulla * *

Bwhaaa you I can not even begin to say how keen I am on it, with my nÄ begin next cosplay *___* I absolutely want the rod and tinker bwhaaa it itches in your fingers ...
But first I may now draw the XD ~ pay if I itch in my fingers, I'm at recent months, not at all come about!

Hmmm yes, I absolutely must have next Friday on Super RTL the new Barbie movie gaze ♥ ♥ ♥ I have the Barbie movies *__________* my favorite movies are love to one of the Nutcracker, Barbie and the Dorfmä girls and ähhhmm .___. What's more wild? Rapunzel was great and I think joa the films that were relatively in the beginning ...
And here comes the new Barbie movie, and I have to see a freak XD course

Oh, reminds me ... .____. I've forgotten looser today * * blubb to choose the place I suck! like I wanted to go ;___; I choose not people who do not do that ... But mähhhh gegendiewandrenn * *-________-Well I have with the campaign already too little explained blubb * * now it is always too late ...

Noi ... for the report I have nothing XD I've written quite a lot!
Well I have to spice up the Fine Cosplay nor for the FBM. __. improve the hair again and the box set up so

Well, in the sense XD ~ I'm going to eat lasagna ♥ ♥ ♥ * yummi *

feels you all pressed-wave wave * * ^___^-


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Eggless Cake In Melbourne

28th Entry

Halllloooooo Ihrrr
Here is my ultimate cool report on the Nichi 2008 ^ ^

After my Eternal Sonata Cosplay approximate , about 2 hr for hours before driving is finished .____. I am stressed and tired to train driven blubb übelst * *
The train ride was spectacular in and of itself ... except for a few moments XD ~
Kurui had her suitcase in the corridor are * laughs * we have our bags anywhere other anderst housed XD ~ Well
is aufjedenfall passed everyone well in the suitcase and the people had themselves a fat suitcase ... then so was ne thicker woman, looking at the past have been running Kurui übelst angry and mean to ... then we all already so öhhhhh .____. and then came back again XD ~ and thus Kurui said: "I'll tell you the same, since I have now gone with my suitcase!" .___. then added Kurui but first looked stupid, just like we
XD ~ Well then there was such a nice man who then Kuruis case to be pure, because he alone had a double room * laughs * Well, we've all now expected that the woman with the killer fat and heavy suitcase passes by ... Well we heard it roll on ... The train shook ... the woman strutted past us ... Luggage in tow, the killer XD ~ he was a full 40 cm high vll small suitcase was the worst * laughs * We all look totally stupid it behind her ... look at us and all start to laugh at something from!
Then came back again ... ok 2 Chance had now the wife simply take the fat suitcase ... XD ~ neee was wrong, instead they came with a backpack and so on Hawaiian leis alla XD ~ God determines 10 minutes I was laughing ... I just could not calm down * * Grinzens

Well then threw the hotel also funny, the hotel was great ^ ^ was far from the best descending to all * smile *
Noii joa and we have our cosplays in the evening to get ready .____.

On Friday it was up very early and have ready made and so we really needed sooo long! I had to make the Seely Jessi wig on it, and make-Tuki also have to make myself ready yet .____. was really hard especially because I myself with my polka Cosplay need as much help when tightening * *
blubb aufjedenfall Well we were at some point by 10 since XD ~ clock much, much too soon ...
Well Tuki and I had to repair about 10 times to Cosplayraum our costumes! Long live the Cosplayraum ... Ani ♥ ♥ ♥ long live without all this we would be sooo übelst been in a fix * * Grinzens
Oh here are some pictures of us ^ ^

Joa that our cosplays ^ ^ Eternal Sonata from my bodice are times I have to make new and my jacket blubb * * and the jacket I have to modify it!
Well, we had so then on Friday our presence here first video from

Thanks to those who made it is for ^ ^
In itself Have we messed up full, because we were out of sync, but maybe the Audience was soooo loud XD ~ we have the music part is no longer just really blubb * * thank you to all who screamed so loud ;___; have we felt sooo honored * sniff *
Especially we have not looked at the end where we are now down ~ XD although it has yet told us! XD ~ saw everything as equal in * lol * well ... XD ~ tspisch we stop ^^""""
We would have never thought that we win .____. become the TB group, the second is was sooo cool! And there were sooo many other great cosplayers here .____. we would have thought nieeeemals!
vieen So many thanks again ;___; the very encouraged us to continue and therefore we may already have the next performance scheduled * sniff * but only EVLT XD ~

Oh that reminds me a *____* DCM I am sooo glad that Deval and Marino have won! From the show I still get goosebumps when I only because think!
YOUR SIDE TOLL ♥ ♥ ♥ you will repays Germany represented super good ^ ^

Otherwise, I've bought sooooo much, her XD ~

see here once my Daruma, my ... oki I've forgotten what it means, and a calico cat for the love XD ~

Joa and something that a few other things .____. Shape, etc. .. but now my computer will not upload any * * blubb

Joa ^ ^ otherwise the Magic Mero Mero Circle has fully cleared ^ ^ Oriko Tenten and her group have made the third place in Group Cos ^ ^ was really cool! Your cosplays were sooo sweet ♥ ♥ ♥

Well I do not believe actually exist to tell ^ ^
Thanks again for all the fallen at the site has ^ ^ and were screaming so loud * smile *

feel you all down ♥ ♥ ♥

* *


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Cherry Crest Farm Blog

27th Entry

Halloooooo ♥

wave wave I take I now report the short time period around you from the Shiroi-Con ^ ^

was so in and of itself the very boring Con .____. and in time we would probably prefer to sew and made our Cosplay more ... noi but that's just the way with very little cons ... and as we have also canceled some way all the friends ;___; Well except Seely and Kurui .... Seely and the DOOOFEEEE (yes you are stupid, I know very well that you will read this XD ~) on Sunday would then cease * * sniff

Well on Saturday we Eigl. eh made only images for our Nanatsuiro Drops Cosplay ... Here is my favorite pictures ... or rather a couple of them ^ ^

From Tuki there would have been soooo great pictures - ____-but the old guy had a (still his Clock, and b) she had put her ring on the wrong finger -___-"""
Well, but we have really made some nice pictures ^ ^ "" "* lol *

The next day we were Kigurumi in there ... -___-My hair is unfortunately something like together, and thus felt that rather blööööd lol * off *, because I almost 5 minutes in the rain and I was stupid brother tuks, the door is not open-___ - * lol *
Here you can watch you all the time ^ ^

Joa .... XD ~
Ohhh man I thought I'd get the full Freak, or hang out fully leave the Stupid-child -____-""" Tuk and I were so in the cosplay judges ... quite nice was the -____-... Tuk to me like you moderating the whole or the ceremony can you like that ... * Lol * yes I can do really great XD ~ the first place, I announced with a drum roll ... -____-Joa and then I read me ... I read the wrong winner * cough *... I think I found all stupid anyway XD ~ it was a groan from the room XD ~ startled when I said: "I have no Bwhaaa I read ... I read the wrong winner .. .
Yes it was very embarrassing to me ;___; * sniff * Oh

on Saturday we then held a cosplay course ... wanted to Eigl. no visit XD ~ but then there were a few * cough *
Well we found it quite funny but oh well ... no idea * lol * I do not know if we really help someone could ...

otherwise Hmmm ... oh yes on Sunday after the Shiroi Con we have still made waffles XD ~ tuk un you have forgotten the egg first .____. and left us wondering why the waffles taste so funny ... but they are correct with a risen, the waffles were really great ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ very nice but then I felt bad as i- I have so much ;____; gefuttert the GR ... I can before the Nichi not fat XD ~
Hmmm joa are still a few we "bake wafers-pictures" before I start Tukis Sword * gawp *


Well you do not see that we bake waffles ... but noi as I lie on the couch just in Tuk and we wait for the dough pulls * gawp * Tuk was doing just dough ... I would also have a video to the picture XD ~ but I do not check as I upload here so what can .. otherwise I would aeuch the whole show * smile *

Well, in the sense kulla * * goes mena look at the work XD ~

baaaaai baaaaii

meni ♥ ♥ ♥

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Gay Cruising Hertfordshire

26th Entry

Haalllooo my love ♥

joa I currently have quite a lot with the cosplay to do .____. if not satisfied only .... it annoys me quite slowly is ;____; my whole money on it for the hobby! I currently have little time for other things or for friends ... this is exhausting and unsatisfying in the long run especially ;___; I can draw my favorite hobby to pursue just not at all * sniff *

Well this weekend is yes Shiroi Con Augsburg * smile * Eigl naja. suits me not at all XD ~ I Eigl the weekend. .___. crafts and sewing should be ... but maybe I'm lying yet relatively well in time.
while ago I wanted to do Tuks Claves shoes ready-________-then I do the stupid Sprühsilber expected ... Now, half the shoes are not sprayed * drop * I'm so excited XD ~ Well, I think, and has noticed that half the neighborhood ... echoes in the garage * same * blubb now everybody knows I talking to myself * laugh * lead
Well on the Shiroi Con Tuk and I will hold a workshop over the cosplay ... Well let's see how that is.
On Monday I give then in a painting course for children Schmiechen .___. manga painting ... Well let's see ~ XD I do that only because the Raphi kulla * * if he ever asks me what!
Bwhaaaa I send out has to copy the pictures yet to gawp * * .____. would be stupid if I forget to!

Well and on completing a model kit that has ne Known made by me ♥
is from Chobits ... I like Chobits in and of themselves do not like soooo happy ^ ^ but the kit is super good to me * smile *
But you convinced yourself * smile *


Pretty ♥ is not it?

* lol * otherwise I find it no longer ...
but .____. On Tuesday I was in labor almost collapsed XD ~ I'm in the last two weeks written so deep into the night in ICQ .______. and then there was a stark change in the weather XD ~ and thanks to lack of sleep and I was bad weather at the end * laugh *
Royka you feel like it XD ~ guilty because of you I've never been in the Hela * laugh *
.____ . noi you will not read it anyway because you rumschipperst somewhere in Hong Kong ... XD ~ So no matter

tomorrow so I do not back out of the mountain pine cannot blubb * * I go to sleep now

nightingales her Blubaugh's XD ~
