Sunday, September 7, 2008

Cherry Crest Farm Blog

27th Entry

Halloooooo ♥

wave wave I take I now report the short time period around you from the Shiroi-Con ^ ^

was so in and of itself the very boring Con .____. and in time we would probably prefer to sew and made our Cosplay more ... noi but that's just the way with very little cons ... and as we have also canceled some way all the friends ;___; Well except Seely and Kurui .... Seely and the DOOOFEEEE (yes you are stupid, I know very well that you will read this XD ~) on Sunday would then cease * * sniff

Well on Saturday we Eigl. eh made only images for our Nanatsuiro Drops Cosplay ... Here is my favorite pictures ... or rather a couple of them ^ ^

From Tuki there would have been soooo great pictures - ____-but the old guy had a (still his Clock, and b) she had put her ring on the wrong finger -___-"""
Well, but we have really made some nice pictures ^ ^ "" "* lol *

The next day we were Kigurumi in there ... -___-My hair is unfortunately something like together, and thus felt that rather blööööd lol * off *, because I almost 5 minutes in the rain and I was stupid brother tuks, the door is not open-___ - * lol *
Here you can watch you all the time ^ ^

Joa .... XD ~
Ohhh man I thought I'd get the full Freak, or hang out fully leave the Stupid-child -____-""" Tuk and I were so in the cosplay judges ... quite nice was the -____-... Tuk to me like you moderating the whole or the ceremony can you like that ... * Lol * yes I can do really great XD ~ the first place, I announced with a drum roll ... -____-Joa and then I read me ... I read the wrong winner * cough *... I think I found all stupid anyway XD ~ it was a groan from the room XD ~ startled when I said: "I have no Bwhaaa I read ... I read the wrong winner .. .
Yes it was very embarrassing to me ;___; * sniff * Oh

on Saturday we then held a cosplay course ... wanted to Eigl. no visit XD ~ but then there were a few * cough *
Well we found it quite funny but oh well ... no idea * lol * I do not know if we really help someone could ...

otherwise Hmmm ... oh yes on Sunday after the Shiroi Con we have still made waffles XD ~ tuk un you have forgotten the egg first .____. and left us wondering why the waffles taste so funny ... but they are correct with a risen, the waffles were really great ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ very nice but then I felt bad as i- I have so much ;____; gefuttert the GR ... I can before the Nichi not fat XD ~
Hmmm joa are still a few we "bake wafers-pictures" before I start Tukis Sword * gawp *


Well you do not see that we bake waffles ... but noi as I lie on the couch just in Tuk and we wait for the dough pulls * gawp * Tuk was doing just dough ... I would also have a video to the picture XD ~ but I do not check as I upload here so what can .. otherwise I would aeuch the whole show * smile *

Well, in the sense kulla * * goes mena look at the work XD ~

baaaaai baaaaii

meni ♥ ♥ ♥


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