booo I'm so in default V_V but since the concert is today for the first intake clock 18 and I can finally slept, I'm not even what little blogging NEN
So Thursday the 23rd .. we got up early, I went shower and then off we went to Asakusa
in the Yamanote line we sat opposite but very strange couple, the man looked totally old and full of funny and had a ring on the finger riiiieeesigen, really big! with such a huge diamond on it (if there is a "Ey may, with the ring to kill people!") Was in any case, I thought he nao naos and responsive "what? you can order fisting man? "next time is probably the hottest wash ears xD
we have been found good and of course I knew all the roads there, but it was really weird to be back ^ ^
we are then to Temple Street, which once fully expired
it comes before me as if I had looked at only half the day glücksbringer xD
unloaded in a I'm myself a bought, which was the only trailers with a panda on it!
As luck will have it so is the love for eating V_V na if this works I swept> D
NEN then I still have the stuffed animal bought for July and we were taiyaki ! eat However, it h'gab no custard cream, so we have bought chocolates and then they have made new custard cream fish ... I felt ripped V_V
then we went on down the road to the temple dor
there is such a small garden Bums with so buddah statues
after the photo happened to us this at all until we have
strangest tourist asked if we can get a picture of them, no problem, but then came a small group of men (3 or 4 people were I think), all the estimated 40 to 50 years old and wanted to make a picture of us ... okay why do not suddenly all 4 were there and took pictures of us which was very ... strange, especially since one of the men then suddenly the camera directly in front of my face was! I did not at all know what to do ... no more blonde hair in japan xD you fall a lot too much on ... then we have made still photos of us and are fast on
then we went back again the way
achja subject, since me that I was at a trailer it was so in the form of Japan's main island and hung the two smaller islands on it and I said so 'and where is Okinawa? " that was not on it and we found the a mess until I was like, 'I'll go there and ask the same purely okinawa wa doko desu ka' and then we have before us no longer laugh einbekommen, slapstick ^ ^
and then I bought the cutest stuffed animal all over the world!
sees the so unbelievably cute! I still get not a ^ ^
then it went on to Akihabara
where we have gone through uuunzählige anime / manga shops in search of card captor sakura ... but that's probably just too old: / because what Andy would have to search for another ... things from one piece gundam wing and there is, for example in abundance ^ ^
but at least I finally ne new pooh clock
and then we had no more time because we had naos pick up luggage, AAAB at least it was finally here ^ ^
and On the way we have found a super funny xD Restauarnt
then we went home because tsukasa was bowling with us, the lord was not yet at home and for 23 clock yet, so has nao to bed down and I was on the pc, then when he came suddenly to 0 clock
he came into the room and also has watched in wonder as nao slept, I tried she went to awake, but non
then came back in and tsukasa said that his singing is, and I thought it might be embarrassing xD So I'm trying to make them more alert and then came the suddenly into the room type ... hmpf xD funny he is somehow, in any case we look forward to their live ^ ^
we wanted to really go bowling yet, however, was the center not open: / So eat we went, christmas dinner (I find it amazing have as many as relatively eaten, although it already ... clock at night against 2 or 3) was
was somehow already NEN funny evening then ^ ^ We have the singer went back home and then are back home from self
on the way we have kept in Donkies to buy powdered sugar to actually ONLY for the cookies ...... and came out here:
9000 yen a shopping ... then, are my 1000 euro xD I must really be more careful with V_V
when I think of my phone bill next 100 € I could smooth ^ ^ '
crying and I have definitely nao us then our gifts, where the
gü ; mortar is too short V_V then it must be the well but as a chain, tailengürtel or jewelry bags for use xD I do not know at
if I can show her this gift so publicly .... xD
however they come to me to give something xD
and then it was at some point, once again late to bed gaanz: 3
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