So, we have once again had overslept xD got up only to around 1, so it was time to make any accrual V_V '(we make up for it by the way) are going on as we
then we noticed that we Tickets xD have forgotten so again back and then make puris (which are not scanned in, otherwise I show them to you: 3)
fell on the way to the ground to me that I forget the chocolate ... jaja so that when you're in a hurry V_V but maybe I'll give it 27 from, if I disclose it creates, but I'm on the train NEN yuuki letter written in the stands that I'm stupid xD (is it interested in total)
on the way we have seen amiyu that is gone because of VII and sense
.... he's still a strange guy xD
the club phase we have found relatively quickly and are tantamount purely because there was clock inlet 16 and we erst. .. 16:45 or so were there, but We had tickets anyway B ^ ^
inside it was full because everyone sat on the floor shortly before the start V_V but got up and all we have before us the merch tables set
here now is the running with comments
first Somatic Guardian
I've only looked at all and have to say ... singer and bassist are simply full kasper the face xD but I found their music really well and it does so at
but I find the singer looks pretty bleak for his clear voice \u0026lt;- \u0026lt;
and All were welcomed with a "fucking merry christmas' bassist 8D
who eventually succeed the hair of the singer ruined in which he has torn down his haardeko xD but then he has Santa hat from a girl from the first row ne get, he has sat up and has added can be addressed by the guitarist, then given him full sone anyone daft mask, fortunately has not been set, otherwise I would probably have to cry with laughter
I noticed that whenever the whole moderate ; girls with their hair after it rumwedeln shampoo smells and generally has since everybody seems to vivienne westwood perfume smelled * _ *
in any case, let SG sit their fans on the floor and leave (as it was in a band holiday shinjuku) and then I had the feeling to see sect ne xD
salutes at the end all have said "byebye" and are gone
second Lycaon
I was soooo excited! they look in real-much better than on> D
images even if some real ... comic have preferences for their underwear xD but Yuuki is hot * _ * and their music is good and how it anyway suuuper
entertain and we noticed that the guitarist (satoshi) similarity to miyavi oo
in any case we are after their viieel occurs too short to have first bought merch and tidy (we went out after almost every band and bought photos ... gaanz bad idea, so slowly I'm so broke xD ')
the yields
trailers, cd, mirror and felt a thousand photos and 10 000 yen less xD '
the first thing I noticed: the bassist has really cool hair, generally, I found her hair great, but his were made riichtig cool
what has surprised me was that in between English and have refrains that sounded really good, so even as the singer has sung it better than they sounded really good! amazing: 3
general I found their music really good, even if it was a bit softer than I expected (I also believe that they had fallen on my cd is not as good as live)
the singer is fässt between also very happy times at his belt, which looks highly erotic xD but he has a really cute smile
and somehow they could not be so co-ordinate their bodies on stage, once two of the series fell by almost, but have simply himself laughed and continued to make
and the drummer went off like nothing, so if this were not all after the concert hurts I do not know ... * _ *
and they have to weigh black and red clothes worn with pajetten reminded me of what has lycaon ^ ^
Did I mention that the singing voice has a beautiful singing? xD (jajaaa I repeat myself)
4th Kalvary
who could be the most colorful in the evening (except upper part of Riku, but that comes later xD)
and the clothes were full of silver and glittering, but has somehow always pulled through the whole night (At least almost 3) and next to their colorful clothes they were even so sweet, so sone bands there mostly every event
and welcomed all with "Merry Christmas Tokyo" because you should still feel concerned ?
the drummer rhatte traffic light-pompoms on his jacket, a green and a red and that he looked almost like a decorated Christmas tree xD I think he was also on that of the majority went on behind Siena drums (looks Vienna schoolboy but can occur in the base drum as anything o_O) and by the way he has constantly open mouth smiles around, and stretch out the tongue and looks kinda like a korean
in between, the singer climbed up to the box, looking like a clumsy old man, but he should practice again;)
and then I asked myself whether bands choreographers have their para paras or whether invent this myself?
know someone? * _ * Perhaps it is also the band to ... some do not like a pull but would rather go through tangas and thus attract attention xD
5th Gakido
the first band that I see the 2 1 / 2 singer xD that is, two singers and a guitarist who is also a singer (there are 6 people total) and the two singers as day and night, one all in black, with black hair and etc. of the other in silver, white / blonde hair with (the kind of reminded me of final fantasy tidus also: 3)
but in spite of so many singers I found the music really really good, almost like a choir xD but they can coordinate their combined super good, this must be really hard
drummer is full of the animal, determined 2 meters tall and brawny totally, completely and uncharacteristically o_O the singer resembles him NEN bit and I find the music they make, he sees little too dark from NEN
aand the bassist! nao and I could see he ivys small his brother, he smiles xD NEN bit more, but he moves like aand he plays a 5 string bass!
them after the hall was empty
6th VII Sense
how nice that I see again before I erina anyone else from Dio in his new band xD '
see juka but was cool to see, even if it looks completely different from before, I find .. . He has increased? He does not look like he was upset people every moment oo and they are 6 on the stage (why then seven sense? xD) but I found
Juka's music which he has previously made only NEN bit better for
r erina looks better now than in the past xD I think a large part of me will agree lol
before experiencing amiyu told that the band has no money and poor, because their manager is probably why they died and who is the only way to GE everyday clothes /, but I found her outfits still really cool and if not have the money and run around in persons 'everyday clothes' .. what is it with chariots? who saw it even easier from xD
the photo set I've just bought to yuno can give the photo of erina: 3
I'm so socially xD
7th chariots
actually I wanted to laugh at riku so, but now he looks way too cool in favor V_V
but you get beat by his shirt augenkrebs *___*
and their music is great, even if riku constantly distracting when his microphone stand or ablekt rumtanzt it like NEN gogo
girl xD and the drummer looks like a western and it makes the band always funny, they have gesgat that he speaks no Japanese around him to draw on so that it looks like NEN
foreigner and he has happens (in Japanese of course) a few stories told him what already happened, for example. that he should go at the airport grouped into another gate (I guess he should be through the gate go for foreigners) or that he was sitting in nem restaurant and two grandmothers at the next table thought he will be able to deal with non-rod, and then they would turn on him a suitcase xD
NEN but if riku and the other is laughing at his stories broke, the real sweet, poor drummer eh xD
they have even been ne addition and riku thanked for it with 'ari .. eh .. * Laughs and hits himself in the head * arigatou gozaimasu encore 'lol and the guitar player has his right aufgestezt nerd glasses for the addition, which he sees, however, only cuter than otherwise already xD
then it was over and it was so ... to 22 clock I think (I need ne damn clock!)
but I muuusste buy me chekis, chariots are so cool and you could not really choose, but the only official and unofficial one was allowed but xD
as we left it rained ströömen in! all night long V_V for it now ... (You still hate me Dared xD) 17 ° and the sun is shining 8D
So all off the skirt and down to down, I must still do eat and go! and quickly, or I come to späääät aaah
~ still fast and the images of the day:
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