so mood is better, there's so much to tell ooohje!
I forgot to mention that in the area is still all the same, the announcement that the ticket is the rinkticket that no photos may be made .. All: 3
and here with us in the street often runs around sometimes NEN opa and whenever he sees us 'says japan is so crazy, what you see here for people' in Japanese of course xD
and I have to complain about it ... as it is rude to snort the nose here, but if you spend the whole time the snot pulls up and break me like this is almost it's okay! ey ne V_V
was in any case it on 25 after ikebukuro and we have really found funny the chop as soon
and in this wiinzigen people were maybe 20? and I've been afraid as if booth would not make themselves (they also do not V_V in the year they became famous or what's going on?> O \u0026lt;)
in any case ... I was excited xD
we were just there on time (so far we have not gone through intake correct, then call it with numbers and stuff, we always came too late xD)
first Libido
something comes out of it, if you look at the whole day was just see Staring mucc and plastic tree My first thought xD
and the singers (with the hat) has monkey arms and legs, so he saw the whole time super weird when he moves but
the music I was actually quite good, even if bassist and guitarist (both left) look like 15 or something \u0026lt;- \u0026lt;(whenever I'm on the bar or go to the bathroom came the guitar and from the loo xD)
this red strip and hung from the ceiling and I was just confused why this hangs out there, but this is probably one of their bühnendeko xD (very Christmassy, I must say: 3)
second As If in the darkness
still great love * _ * I find live almost better than before and they still look sooo good in * _ * as they can, I can not believe it xD (jaja says what you want: 3)
but mar has taken out his piercings wiesooo T_T
but what mars chain just after 2 or 3 songs went broke, maybe he should not disengage on stage xD (later she was again whole)
third Thomas
find that I level no picture V_V (except Thomas the Tank Engine xD)
last year I've always made fun of the name .. but the are pretty cool, if only because the drummer has tattowiert simply hand back 'drunk' on his
and the singer can so .. sing soo sooo beautiful! as 2nd or 3tes song came wiehnachtsüberraschung, he sings and plays guitar with only one and he can sing really wonderful wonderful wonderful! One must have seen: Conclusion!
see not only cool that are cool too ^ ^
as everything was over we wondered why so many were there, aaber the curtain went up again and there were: zumi and mar of as if and guitar and bass thomas: 3 and then have played together 2 songs * o * and everyone had ne Santa Hat on how sweet it was: 3 mar with Santa Hat * O *
then the curtain went back to later and came up singer and drummer of Thomas and ryo and tomo of as if and the have then played really all I want for christmas and this rock version of it was just soo cool, I want to have> o \u0026lt;
(like the singer always shown to us, though we have not been addressed, the main thing gaijin to do or how xD)
then came up the stage and took pictures (somehow you had to fill in somewhere at some point I think zettel and 3 were drawn and then were compared with those photos taken on stage) who were allowed to choose who should even stand next to them uuuh: 3
and guitarist Thomas is incidentally been sent all the time on stage, the only one, in a quiet corner xD I had to be so
laugh and how tomo standing around since so I waved to him sometime and he smiled soo cute * o * (if he's remembered me still questionable xD ')
was in any case, it then ended. _. and before we have Gerallt that we have the merch (and the people as if auhc for pending and not just Thomas) were all chekis;; neeeeein ALL where the old times out to be almost just what I've bought xD you can download Java non-ey ... manno. _.
we got the last 2 ... . _. and it has given me only the old photo set and then not gathered that it has given me the wrong * _ * '
in any case I was down after V_V or I've got 3, 4 or 5 and this time bought ... D: all were gone _..
outside but then we call Cheki have made our first Cheki xD
it says: Australia-heart-As If in the darkness xD
then I went to one of the concerts as if all is (already was the beginning of the year) and is so ... naja ne Sun schicki micki, the course had stickers here, because my departed eyelash is
daaann and later, the two bands started to give the cars with their vehicle, the singer has even smiled at me by thomas> D and sign the piece back when I made it 've made xD
mar and was also outside, at some point looked to us, I wave, he grins and waves back ... O * I * am the thousandth time austicken
xD and then we would not of course interfere with the grant, but I wanted sooo necessarily talk to him and with him, then I went to him too, but when he was facing I stood my mouth was simply not at all ready and set rates had just gone V_V
He then looked at the Cheki, smiled and thanked in English as I thought he could keep it (to my doitashimashite he just laughed xD) Then There Were .. . quite typical of mar ... NEN shake hands and V_V iich Did not know just what to do or say, when I went to him he said something in Japanese, but my brain was really into torque, I understood nihon ... (Perhaps something like 'you're back in Japan' or something ... I flatter myself simply xD) and then I felt stupid because I did not know what to say or do ... and I wanted him so absolutely v_______v
embrace yes and then I'm gone, who came to certainly fooled before .... V_V oh maaan I'm so stupid ... How stupid ... but if you there alone and no one standing around bridges the time where no one speaks ... is stupid xD 'yes and then they are gone already and I've got a round hated myself xD
of frustration because of the chekis I bought me her mini-album (ey main thing is there are no pictures in it V_V)
for r, there were various maps on intake of both bands: 3
yes, before I come back to Japan The band determined V_V najaa nothing around that can not be changed to ^ ^
then we went to every falling home
I'm back in the deformation ey, but it's already 4:30, so I blog later if I manage
in any case is then NEN entry for andy ^ ^ was entitled to find a few things! not much ... Can that be a bit
good night!
and still fast and the images of the day:
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