alsooo now I am finally times to the concert on 22
it was first night back on breakfast, because they have no bread here which we are toast now gone and there was (and still has some nao sone eat meat skewers)
I think we were back in bed really late, but we have done it then at noon to make the pie, even if the get ready for the concert it's really become almost
but it was still very tasty casserole even if we had to make toast in the comic-grill thingy, because mama and papa was there has no idea of the technique (male cook here, if they have a wife)
am in any case I then quickly go on the way and I still bought gift bags when I arrived was the intake-over, and it was not a snake anymore, I was still only a few minutes late and did none of the bands
missed but after I have paid for my drink ticket have the two foreign women at the inlet with said something ~ _ ~ maybe they are just amazed that what to come live
and in the hall I've seen a had at least 15cm high on shoes and was still shorter than me xDD
and then there were two ... I'm so rumgeguckt and my eyes fell on one of them as she just looked at me and then she was her friend said and then stared at me, the ... what more obvious monkey Gibts Garnich, but well, you get to be a foreigner here often times like a zoo in blue xD
and when I checked my flyers magazine I wanted to wrap my first nice with the paper cut in the finger V_V ouch ... and me a shot of Anna's fallen bracelet is D: and then the way I tried again to make it very ... at some point is the same shot again and a Japanese woman she has lifted me because I saw it not at all, oh maaan I hope it stops now> o \u0026lt;
in any case comes here now the time sequence: 1
. Loki solo project
at the beginning I have not even seen that it is loki * _ * because it has a worn hat and somehow ... he saw me holding quite different picture than the
I know he was in any case the forest intro music, like this bird chirping, splashing (I hate that noise, I get the feeling of it having to go to the bathroom)
went the curtain on loki and sat on a chair, the other well and had such a ukulele similar recently fired on and who played later still e-cello or something else
was the music from the band, which I found very funny was that in the book loki NEN hand-held and sung, when he would sing a story, but somehow it was cool again ^ ^
after the second song he stood up and pulled his jacket and he has get a bouquet, so I considered the first time ... and when at the end 'mata ne' told me I was almost certain that he is (NEN was bit on the line I remember, but I was anyway just because downer da)
and think like me, if he does higher and loudly sings he sounds like Tatsurou of mucc oo
second Dish
they had an English intro, which really only becomes surprising because I thought he has been singing (it was always the sentence 'I can not find myself')
band consisting of only three , where people appear to support the third is only because one on its side only the two finds from the image (more and bass) and as you can see they are dressed rather normal, but kept quite dark (the look of her reminds me of a mix of mucc and plastic tree) and the singer often quite funny things does with its eh ; be
xD and as he stood there, with the pony in the face I could not at all recognize when it is male or female because his voice sounded so funny in the beginning, but when you hear talk about it but then ^ ^
the bassist looking for me than he would have taken in current, because his hair was completely true in all directions distances xD
the music to me very very loudly and he has a lot of screaming, and eventually I found it only sat down and got annoying me because I was too dizzy and I get a headache, but what I found funny was that the singer has his jacket on his shirt fastened with safety pins, so it falls down too much non-least xD and in between he does herzchen for quantity, sweet ^ ^
and what surprised me seehr also incorporate that was applauded by many, is actually quite unusual, something was making so usually only when someone has spoken ( sing at lokis stories-I've seen it yet, but for no longer dish)
third DOWNER \u0026lt;3
suddenly I've seen front the downer towels and thought ooooh now you go! and I'm sooo looking forward to it ^ ^ I
liiiebe their outfits at the moment, I can not even say why they are so cool and we are the few times before they were even on the day again suuuper great, I think they do not have anything special done is also difficult to integrate with only 4> o \u0026lt;would have liked to see more (so the whole night xD)
but after the 2nd or 3rd song are a few forward girl ran out of their shoes jumped, and then be fully addressed to the music, which I found kind of funny ^ ^ I'm
after the S stood for and I think I've got something purchased
that's her towel and mirrors, then I have raised three chekis befürchete and know that I like last time again only hirari and attract
xD So I drew the 1st time: kagome .... I like the non-exact, captured so well on
I pulled the 2nd time: rion ... okay I'm now at least you have a picture of almost all
I pulled the 3rd time: to .... okay, the three from the band to me are relatively unimportant (even if they are great because they make great music)
I was annoyed that I'm not married as any other to ask if I can have one of miu, because I'm from the easy times niiiichts, nothing! and photo sets gabs not this time also ....
am I to kaya in again, with all my courage and I asked her and she has watched then chekis shown veeery quietly on the last two items, and the photos down xD
really sweet, now I'm still come to my miu chekis * _ *
4th This
(I find no regular pictures, so this time only one of the singers are that I believe anyway have only 2, because only 2 on the page, but on the stage it is all the band ne)
the band sees itself more from the normal style, which I have the hair of singers like really well is hard to describe how he had done it (and he congratulated and loki-sama said ohoo xD)
and the music was actually really cool in general, I would have expected so not at all (on the flyer I got at home, I found it that is full of funny) but when I
the drummer I've seen me before ever wonder who has not totally fit into the picture, which looked super short, fat and old and from the play I thought he would drop dead right away, because he always has the distorted face and looked as if he effort would be extremely
fifth grade Kaya
I did not at all that he plays ... V_V
the intro seemed so familiar, but I did not know where ... and then the curtain went up and I saw only this one silhouette, and the flower in her hair and I did evil ...
no joke I got him some more often seen as the bands I like that there's nothing ...
I like him still, even if it seems funny, laugh constantly because all of what he says (I only understand something when he talked about Ueno and Ginza, but no details) so the only what
r he probably admiration deserves is to be entertaining, because he stands alone on stage and that he can bend fully backwards without falling over and sing nor can
but I had pleasure to sit down, but was afraid then bo ; get s look because somehow here ... almost everyone likes kaya why whatsoever, and the last song I knew even when I
merch table have watched of this was because the singer and has pumpkin pieces and anything else distributed to all the opinion-list have returned or what he has bought and then looked at me, I automatically began to smile and He looks away, rude people xD
are even overwhelmed when she smiles at what's going on here
6th Ensoku
find that I level no current picture where everyone is on it, so I got a couple of times in the blogs looking
at the end of your appearance and in between every now and again I thought, how cool is that for?
I like their music totally and the stupid things they do on stage
alone how it started!
are singer, guitarist and drummer in Kries, so we see nothing and they sing happy birthday at the end revolves around the singer, holding a piece of cake in hand and tells that he is loki and birthday xD
even as he has painted
I am no longer einbekommen before
are also laughing their para paras would be really funny and I think I am funny when people here that they really do xD as if the people in the audience pull out all the po , neen
guitarist in the second of attracting more and any gas masks or the like did I ever get asked if the air and what looks ... but apparently yes even \u0026lt;- \u0026lt;
and the bassist has so many piercings that it lights up, if I've lost count, there were 7 or 8? and all except one of them in the lower lip ^ ^ '
anyway, so are really worth seeing!
7th Loki
how hard it is to find pictures ...
matter at the beginning came the forest music and the music itself, I liked it, but I was very distracted ... of this sadomaso similar clothes he wears in Siena royal coat ... o_O (and still think that it is hot, why that because if he only latex & jackets with? xD)
the other people were in other bands, who was guitarist, at least from Art Cube, the bassist in front of chariots (which has me all the time, totally aware of until he said that he is of chariots, which I did so one day had seen before xD)
in any case very cool, but still ... For those who like each time I watch it I would not necessarily ^ ^
then I am extra ausgiegen in shinjuku to look at Donkies after Cheki camera, but they had only in brown and brown is the V_V huh sslich ... and for that I am wrong through the whole huge load> o \u0026lt;I geweifelt anyway, that I should buy me a, proceeds slowly because my money ... V_V geklauft too many clothes ...
this time the corner of Shinjuku where I often was / am
and the station
and of course the pictures of the day with and without glasses: 3
us and now we look at the bright lights in roppongi! (Fare adee V_V)
achja schonmal I mentioned that I do like to take all the posters from the area would be? > O \u0026lt;
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